

Molti lettori ci hanno scritto chiedendoci se la redazione di “Origine” organizzi corsi di Scrittura Creativa. Vedendosi rispondere che non ci pensiamo nemmeno, ci hanno chiesto: quali sono i corsi “migliori”? Che cosa insegnano? Servono a qualcosa? E se sì, a cosa? Visto che queste domande ci lasciavano completamente spiazzati, abbiamo provato a districarci tra la Babele di offerte disponibili per capire qualcosa di più. Ed ora che qualcosa abbiamo capito (forse), ecco una piccola guida, dichiaratamente fallace e comprensibilmente non esaustiva, che tenta di fornire una risposta alle domande di cui si diceva: una risposta il più sensata possibile, anche se non necessariamente tra le più serie.


Prima di tutto, fatevi un esame di coscienza. Siete davvero convinti di voler scrivere? Scrivere una cosa come la narrativa? Siete sicuri di non preferire alternative meno inquietanti, come sceneggiature, discorsi politici, saggi, raccolte di barzellette? Sappiate che Erri De Luca, intervistato da Roberto Balzano, ha detto (1): “[Il primo consiglio che offro a un giovane scrittore è quello di] smettere subito. […] Se proprio non ce la fa, allora tanto vale accanirsi, ma solo dopo aver preso in seria considerazione l’ipotesi di lasciar perdere.” E che uno scrittore come Javier Marìas dice di sé (2): “mi domando come, nella mia età adulta, possa dedicare tante ore e tanta fatica a qualcosa di cui il mondo, me compreso, potrebbe fare tranquillamente a meno.” Vi abbiamo dissuaso? Siamo certi di no. Andiamo avanti.


Siamo d’accordo che è un concetto un tantino vago. Però un accordo bisogna trovarlo. Qui parliamo di Scrittura Creativa intesa come narrazione, come invenzione di storie.


Noi abbiamo un’opinione su quello che un corso di Scrittura Creativa dovrebbe insegnare. Giulio Mozzi ha scritto in merito una cosetta molto interessante (3): “si può insegnare tutta la parte tecnica dello scrivere e del narrare. A me la parte tecnica dello scrivere e del narrare è stata insegnata. Ho lavorato sette anni nell’ufficio stampa della Confartigianato del Veneto – avevo risposto a un annuncio nel quotidiano, mi avevano preso perché battevo a macchina velocissimo -, e lì alcuni giornalisti bravi e generosi mi hanno insegnato molte cose. Tra un racconto d’amore o di suspance e un comunicato stampa sulle norme igieniche nella produzione del gelato c’è una bella differenza; ma la tecnica che ci sta sotto, vi piaccia o no, è sempre quella.” In questa nostra piccola inchiesta, partiamo dal presupposto che un corso di Scrittura Creativa dovrebbe insegnare proprio questa tecnica.


Può sembrare una banalità, ma va detto: chiunque aspiri a scrivere narrativa, per qualsiasi motivo desideri farlo, dovrebbe anzitutto trovare la propria voce. Uno stile, un’identità, un nucleo di caratteristiche che formano il carattere di un narratore, professionista o dilettante che sia. Evelyn Waugh era uno “capace di sfottere anche l’acqua minerale”. Milan Kundera non è precisamente lo stesso tipo di scrittore, anzi. E non si può dire che Waugh sia meglio di Kundera, o viceversa: è una questione di gusti, perché si tratta di due autori che hanno voci assai diverse. Bisogna stare attenti, nel frequentare un corso di Scrittura Creativa, a non smarrire la propria identità: dopotutto gli insegnanti in genere sono scrittori essi stessi, ognuno col suo stile e le sue idee, ed è molto difficile che questi aspetti non ne influenzino minimamente l’insegnamento. Uno scrittore non può non avere gusti e preferenze. C’è quello che va pazzo per i minimalisti americani e quello che li brucerebbe nella piazza centrale. C’è quello che per lui il romanzo è morto, e ormai si possono scrivere racconti e basta – e quello che dice basta con questi raccontini, il futuro della letteratura è nel romanzo-fiume da 800 pagine almeno. La morale della favola è che in un corso di Scrittura Creativa un insegnante dovrebbe esser capace di trasmettere valori anche opposti a quelli in cui crede, per stimolare adeguatamente il diverso carattere degli allievi. Oppure, dovrebbero esserci insegnanti capaci di offrire diverse prospettive. Racconta Sandro Veronesi: “Io alla Scuola Holden di Torino – dove ho insegnato e dove ancora ogni tanto insegno – avevo questa classe di ragazzi che stavano lì due anni (è un master) e li conoscevo, e costruivo via via un rapporto, e mi allargavo anche un po’ nella gestione delle ore. Un giorno mi misi lì a distruggere sistematicamente Smoke perché non mi era piaciuto, non mi era piaciuto strutturalmente. E naturalmente i ragazzi, non per piaggeria, ma per il semplice fatto che seguivo delle correnti, dei corsi, che avevo già preventivamente percorso con altri argomenti, mi seguivano nella distruzione di questo film che in quel momento era uscito e sembrava molto trendy. E poi Paul Auster – parlo di tanti anni fa – era l’autore di culto per tutti quanti. E io, soddisfatto di questa mia azione di demolizione di un film, un potenziale brutto modello che rischiava invece di sedurre molti di questi studenti che erano già sedotti da Paul Auster, finisco. Dopo di me c’è una lezione di Bergonzoni e io rimango perché mi piace Begonzoni anche se non ci si ricorda mai di quello che ha detto. Andai a bere il caffè, rientrai a lezione iniziata e lui stava facendo un peana di Smoke. Stava ricostruendo tutto quello che io avevo distrutto, da tutta un’altra parte e questi ragazzi erano a loro volta molto attratti da questa ricostruzione di Smoke. L’avessimo fatto apposta non ci sarebbe venuta così… Allora io ho detto: questa è una buona scuola. […] È stato un caso, ma una scuola che determina questi casi mette in condizione chi ci si è iscritto a ragionare con la propria testa. […] La diversità delle voci è uno stimolo fondamentale…”


Qui comincia il problema vero. Nel senso che c’è un po’ di tutto, e l’unico modo di valutare l’efficacia e la serietà di un corso è frequentarlo. Anzi, in realtà non basta neanche: teoricamente io potrei iscrivermi ad un corso di Scrittura Creativa, fare un’esperienza che conduce ad un complessivo peggioramento della mia scrittura, ed essere convinto del contrario. Può succedere se sono ingenuo, e sprovvisto di capacità critiche. Può succedere anche se i miei insegnanti sono in buona fede. Dice Sandro Veronesi: “chi insegna a scrivere non è detto che debba essere più bravo di quello che impara.” Tuttavia, una distinzione oggettiva tra i vari corsi, aldilà di ogni possibile valutazione qualitativa, sta nella tipologia di corso. Potremmo suddividere i cosiddetti “corsi di Scrittura Creativa” in 4 categorie approssimative:

1) Laboratori o Workshop – E’ il tipo di corso più breve, che di norma offre una soluzione basata su 2-4 giorni di lavoro intenso. Di solito ha un tema più o meno specifico: ad es. “il Racconto Autobiografico”, “la Short Story”, “il Racconto Noir”. Più che un corso vero e proprio, è una serie di incontri in cui il partecipante apprende, o dovrebbe apprendere, i meccanismi di un certo tipo di narrazione, che si tratti di un genere (“il Racconto Noir”) o di una forma letteraria (“la Short Story”). Durante un Laboratorio, solitamente ogni partecipante svolge un esercizio di narrazione basato sul tema del Laboratorio stesso, in cui impiega le tecniche acquisite. Rientrano in questa categoria i Cantieri Holden, il Workshop di Scrittura Creativa di Giampaolo Spinato, o il Seminario “La scrittura, la narrazione e Internet” a cura di Giulio Mozzi, con la collaborazione di Tullio Avoledo e Annamaria Manna.

2) Corsi – Un corso di Scrittura Creativa vero e proprio, in genere, offre a chi lo frequenta una buona infarinatura di tecniche di narrazione, nonché una discreta panoramica sui generi e le forme letterarie. Vengono eseguiti esercizi di narrazione, prevedibilmente basati sulle forme brevi (racconti). Un Corso di questo tipo offre (normalmente) tra le 20 e le 30 ore di lezione, ma esistono ovviamente eccezioni. Rientrano in questa categoria il corso “Racconto e romanzo” della Scuola Holden, i corsi della Piccola scuola di Scrittura Creativa di Giulio Mozzi, i laboratori di scrittura dell’editore Minimum Fax, le Vacanze Studio organizzate dalla rivista “Inchiostro” (tema: “Scrivere per passione, scrivere per professione”.) Alcuni corsi di Scrittura Creativa si focalizzano su un genere letterario (esempio: il corso di Scrittura Creativa Giallo-Noir di Cinzia Tani). In questo caso, l’enfasi è ovviamente sulle tecniche narrative proprie del genere in questione (nel caso del corso di Cinzia Tani, l’insegnante dedica una lezione intera alla “creazione della Suspence”, e così via).

3) Master – E’ il tipo di corso più ambizioso, che può durare mesi (o anni). In Italia, c’è il Master in Tecniche di Narrazione della Scuola Holden di Torino e il Master della Scuola Sagarana di Lucca. C’è anche il Master in Creative Content Writing dell’Istituto Europeo di Design, organizzato in collaborazione con l’Agenzia di comunicazione McCann-Erickson, Unbranded e Ariane (Agema Group) che vuole “sviluppare la creatività come struttura portante della scrittura finalizzata a produrre testi pubblicitari, fiction, sceneggiature TV, contenuti dell’universo web.” Il Master della Scuola Holden dura due anni. Il primo anno “è una sorta di suk, dove si incontra ogni genere di merce: cinema, teatro, musica, letteratura, pubblicità, arti visive, thriller, fumetto, giornalismo”, mentre nel secondo anno “si approfondiscono tre linee di studio: racconto e romanzo, scrittura per il teatro e narrazione cinematografica. Meno lezioni, più laboratorio: progetti da inventare e realizzare. Si incontrano alcuni autori con cui si svolgono seminari di studio su particolari prodotti di narrazione. Inoltre ogni allievo concorda con la Scuola un progetto finale, nella disciplina che preferisce, da sviluppare sotto la guida di alcuni docenti e da consegnare al termine dei corsi.” Complessivamente il Master della Scuola Holden offre circa 880 ore di lezione per ciascun anno di frequenza. Il Master della Scuola Sagarana ha invece durata annuale, per 240 ore complessive d’insegnamento, mentre il Master in Creative Content Writing dell’Istituto Europeo di Design offre 200 ore di lezioni suddivise in 9 moduli.

4) Corsi online – Qui li trattiamo come una categoria a parte. Sono corsi che sfruttano Internet come strumento per facilitare la didattica a distanza: un esempio è il corso di Scrittura Creativa on-line di Roberto Cotroneo. Le modalità di fruizione del corso sono normalmente basate sullo scambio di posta elettronica. Nel caso del corso di Cotroneo: “ogni lezione consiste di un testo inedito di Roberto Cotroneo sull’argomento trattato che non è mai inferiore alle 10 mila battute (cinque cartelle). Ogni lezione termina con la richiesta di un esercizio.” “Le lezioni vengono inviate all’indirizzo mail dello studente. Lo studente a sua volta invierà l’esercizio sempre attraverso posta elettronica.” “L’esercizio viene corretto (con correzioni visibili in colore rosso) nei giorni precedenti alla lezione successiva. In nessun caso si correggerà più di un elaborato per studente.”

La terminologia che abbiamo usato è generica, ne siamo consapevoli. E’ anche arbitraria. Nel senso che, tanto per fare un esempio, i cosiddetti “laboratori di scrittura” dell’editore Minimum Fax per quanto ci riguarda rientrano nella seconda categoria (“Corsi”), anche se l’editore che li organizza li definisce “laboratori”.


In genere, sono scrittori o editor. Più scrittori che editor, in percentuale. Alcuni corsi sono tenuti da un solo insegnante, altri da un gruppo di insegnanti, altri ancora (specialmente il Master della Scuola Holden) vantano un corpo insegnante assai folto in cui spiccano parecchi nomi di scrittori italiani più o meno celebri. In genere, tutti i corsi (esclusi i Master) sono organizzati da uno scrittore piuttosto noto (che funge anche da “polo d’attrazione” per i potenziali allievi) che può usufruire di collaboratori oppure no, e che in genere si appoggia ad una struttura ospitante (associazione culturale o libreria) per i locali. Ad esempio, la Piccola scuola di Scrittura Creativa di Giulio Mozzi conta sul supporto di Monica Benucci, Stefano Brugnolo, Angelo Ferrarini e Fabio Fracas, mentre il corso “Racconto e romanzo” della Scuola Holden conta sui docenti Lucilla Giagnoni (attrice); Davide Longo, Camilla Baresani, Rossana Campo, Giampiero Rigosi (scrittori); Marco Vacchetti (pittore); Giorgio Vasta (editor); Elena Varvello (poetessa). I corsi della Minimum Fax sono tenuti da Christian Raimo e Nicola Lagioia, entrambi scrittori e impegnati in diversi progetti editoriali.


No, sono abbastanza economici rispetto a molti corsi di lingue, di computer, etc.. Ad esempio, un corso di computer mirato al conseguimento della Patente Europea per l’Informatica costa senz’altro di più: mediamente 1600 € per 80 ore di lezione, cioè 22,5 € l’ora; mentre difficilmente un corso di Scrittura Creativa supera i 16/18 € l’ora, e in molti casi non arriva a 10. Qui di seguito trovate una breve tabella riepilogativa del rapporto prezzo/ore di lezione di alcuni corsi.
I Master sono naturalmente più cari. Ad esempio il Master della Scuola Holden costa 5.200 € l’anno, mentre quello della Sagarana costa 2.300 €. La Scuola Holden mette a disposizione borse di studio che possono coprire fino al 50% dei costi legati al corso.


A diventare professionisti della narrativa. Seriamente. Lo scriviamo senza pudore. Un corso di Regia a livello professionale vi insegnerà, perlomeno, a girare un videoclip o un cortometraggio che non facciano ridere i polli, sguaiatamente. Magari non sarete mai un Jules Dassin o un Alfred Hitchcock, ma avrete per forza acquisito un ventaglio di capacità basilari, in uso nell’ambiente dei professionisti del cinema. Nessun corso di Scrittura Creativa vi garantisce le stesse capacità professionali a livello di narrazione. In Italia non esiste quella sana, solida tradizione dello scrittore professionista che c’è negli Stati Uniti o in Francia e che vorrebbe che ci sia un tizio, da qualche parte, che sia capace di sfornare a raffica: racconti su commissione, inchieste giornalistiche, reportages, fiction, romanzi-verità, libri-inchiesta eccetera semplicemente perché è pagato per farlo. Siamo schiavi, per usare nuovamente una definizione di Javier Marìas (4), della “banalità purista che pretende per mettersi alla macchina da scrivere sensazioni grandiose come la necessità o la pulsione creatrici”. Lo scrittore professionista in Italia non ha un’identità precisa, non si capisce bene chi o cosa sia. Per esempio, Sandro Veronesi dice che lo scrittore professionista è quello che, pensando alla letteratura, a quello che scrive, dice: “questa roba è la mia vita, è la mia professione addirittura, se perdo questo perdo tutto”. Ci sembra una definizione piuttosto romantica, inadatta a descrivere un mestiere. Fatto sta che poiché non esiste lo scrittore come figura professionale, non c’è neanche un contesto in cui questa figura possa crescere. Triste, ma vero. Il Master della Scuola Holden è tuttavia quanto di più vicino possa esistere a un percorso di questo tipo. A proposito (alla Scuola Holden ci tengono a dirlo): il loro non è un corso di Scrittura Creativa, ma un Master di Tecniche di Narrazione. Ovvero: “è una scuola di narrazione. Si apprendono i fondamenti di molte tecniche diverse per impossessarsi della sensibilità e delle capacità artigianali che stanno alla base di qualsiasi narrazione. L’idea è quella di formare autori o professionisti che trovino il fondamento del loro lavoro nella ricchezza e pluralità dei riferimenti piuttosto che in una competenza esasperatamente specialistica. Che significa: se vuoi scrivere romanzi studia Sergio Leone, se vuoi fare film ascolta Verdi, se hai in mente un serial televisivo studia Flaubert, se vuoi fare il pubblicitario ascolta il rap, se vuoi scrivere poesie leggi Dylan Dog.” Quanto agli sbocchi professionali, la Scuola Holden offre ai suoi diplomati, tra quelli ritenuti idonei, “la possibilità di svolgere stage lavorativi di 3-6 mesi presso case editrici, giornali, redazioni televisive, società di produzione cinematografica e agenzie di pubblicità.” Naturalmente, come in tutte le cose, la capacità di un masterista di affermarsi non è secondaria: in pratica, se vi diplomate e poi vi mandano a fare uno stage, a quel punto tutto o quasi dipende da voi. Ci sono casi emblematici di successo: Evelina Santangelo, editor e scrittrice, racconta: “… è arrivata la borsa di studio della Scuola Holden. Dopo notti passate a rivoltarmi nel letto, sono tornata in Italia, a Torino, a studiare Tecniche della Narrazione, per l’appunto. […] Alla fine del master, mi è stato proposto uno stage presso la casa editrice Einaudi. Da lì, direi, è cominciato tutto. Il lavoro come redattrice ed editor per la Narrative italiana e inglese presso la casa editrice, la stesura dei racconti, l’insegnamento di Tecniche della Narrazione presso la Scuola Holden.”


A tante cose e a nessuna, se si vuole. Potremmo dilungarci un bel po’ su questo argomento, ma abbiamo preferito parlarne con qualcuno che ne capisce davvero, visto che insegna Scrittura Creativa da anni, e con un certo successo: nella fattispecie, lo scrittore Giulio Mozzi. Sull’utilità dell’insegnamento della Scrittura Creativa, ha scritto (5): “[Non si diventa scrittori frequentando un laboratorio di scrittura.] Come non si diventa Vittorio Gassman frequentando un laboratorio di teatro, né si diventa Novella Calligaris frequentando un corso di nuoto. Ma se uno è un Vittorio Gassman potenziale, o una Novella Calligaris potenziale, frequentare un laboratorio di teatro o un corso di nuoto non gli/le farà certo male. Magari, semplicemente, porterà un risparmio di tempo.” Abbiamo voluto approfondire con lui alcuni aspetti legati all’insegnamento della Scrittura Creativa.

Domanda di Davide L. Malesi: Delle scuole di scrittura creativa si parla talora molto male. Giovanni Arduino, in un’intervista, ha detto che “… La maggior parte delle scuole di scrittura, come quella di Baricco, con i costi che ha, è l’equivalente della scuola americana che c’è vicino a casa mia, ossia ragazzi veramente pigri che non sanno che cazzo fare e famiglie facoltose che li mettono lì a passare il tempo. La scuola di Baricco è esattamente la stessa cosa. Ci sono anche altre scuole a Milano dove paghi veramente poco, dove la gente va essenzialmente per beccare. Sembrano dei club per single. Scuole di scrittura serie possono essere utili, per metterti ben chiaro in testa quello che sul mercato va o non va fatto, però di scuole così, in Italia, non ce ne sono.” Non capita di sentire giudizi così aspri, poniamo, sulle scuole di giornalismo. Eppure anche lì s’impara a scrivere, o quantomeno si apprende la tecnica della scrittura, in cambio di denaro. E nessuno si stupisce che i registi, gli sceneggiatori, gli autori di teatro, vadano “a scuola” per imparare a fare il loro mestiere. Perché, invece, per la narrativa qualcuno grida allo scandalo?

Risposta di Giulio Mozzi: Quando Arduino dice: “La maggior parte delle scuole di scrittura, come quella di Baricco”, si mostra molto disinformato. Non mi soffermo sul fatto che la Scuola Holden non è “la scuola di Baricco”. Arduino mostra la sua disinformazione perché la Scuola Holden è, nel panorama italiano, unica. Non c’è in Italia nessun’altra scuola di scrittura (ma la Scuola Holden si autodefinisce, più precisamente, “scuola di tecniche della narrazione”) che sia paragonabile (per la durata, per il monte-ore complessivo, per il parco-insegnanti ecc.) alla Scuola Holden. Quindi, generalizzare a partire dalla propria opinione sulla Scuola Holden, giusta o sbagliata che sia questa opinione, è proprio stupido.E la formulazione della tua domanda (“nessuno si stupisce che i registi, gli sceneggiatori… vadano “a scuola”) cade nella trappola di Arduino. La Scuola Holden (e forse anche la Scuola Sagarana di Lucca, almeno nelle ambizioni) vuole formare dei “narratori professionisti”. Ma molte altre scuole, o iniziative varie, non hanno per nulla lo scopo di formare dei “narratori professionisti”. E queste sono la vera maggioranza. Allora direi: nessuno si scandalizza se tante persone si iscrivono a corsi di nuoto, di salsa e merengue, di inglese, di cartonnage, di chitarra jazz. E nessuno si scandalizza se qualcuno si iscrive a uno di questi corsi semplicemente per trovare compagnia, per incontrare gente, per condividere un interesse o una curiosità, eventualmente per incontrare qualcuno dell’altro sesso. Io, per me, non ci vedo niente di male.
Mi par di capire che per Arduino una “scuola di scrittura seria” debba avere
le seguenti caratteristiche:
– non “essere di Baricco”,
– costare né tanto né poco,
– praticare la segregazione sessuale,
– “mettere ben chiaro in testa quello che sul mercato va o non va fatto”, ossia essere completamente orientate al mercato.
Non so: a me sembrano discorsi scemi.
I guai veri, invece, cominciano quando qualcuno propone iniziative che non danno una formazione “da professionista”, spacciandole per iniziative che danno una formazione “da professionista”. Questa si chiama: truffa.

Tu hai detto, della Piccola scuola di scrittura creativa “… Si fa un po’ di teoria della narrazione, un po’ di esercizi, un po’ di discussione di testi, un po’ di riflessione sugli errori più frequenti. Una cosa molto tranquilla, di spirito anche un po’ dopolavoristico.” Cosa ti piace di questa esperienza, perché l’hai iniziata, e cosa ti motiva ad andare avanti?
Mi piace stare in aula. Si trattasse anche di spiegare come si pulisce l’aspirapolvere, o come si cambia l’acqua al canarino, credo che ugualmente mi piacerebbe stare in aula. La faccenda, comunque, è cominciata non per mia iniziativa. Un giorno mi telefonano dal circolo Arci “Lanterna Magica”, e mi dicono: “Faresti mica, te che hai pubblicato un libro, un corso di scrittura creativa?”. Era il 1993. Io ho detto: “Ma, ci penso”. Ci ho pensato tre mesi, durante i quali mi sono letto quel poco che c’era allora di pubblicato in Italia. E poi via, ho cominciato. Tre anni dopo, quando mi sono ritrovato senza lavoro, ho pensato che potevo far diventare quella cosa “un lavoro”. Ed è stata effettivamente il mio primo lavoro, la mia prima fonte di reddito, per qualche anno. Da tre anni, grazialcielo no. Perché da un po’ comincio a non poterne più, ad avere meno voglia di andare in aula, di incontrare sempre nuove persone, di riprendere daccapo certi discorsi. Mi piace molto la varietà di questo lavoro. Mi è successo di curare e/o condurre laboratori per operatori turistici (come scrivere materiali promozionali convincenti), anziani in casa di riposo (lasciare la storia della propria vita in eredità ai nipotini), dirigenti d’azienda (migliorare la comunicazione aziendale, interna ed esterna), signore in dolce attesa (inventar favole), venditori di prodotti finanziari (la storia di vita del cliente come strumento di marketing personale), insegnanti di italiano (come insegnare a scrivere decentemente ciò che s’ha da scrivere per passare l’esame di stato), sindacalisti (come liberarsi dal sindacalese senza cadere nel berlusconese), psicologi (come insegnare a tenere un diario), webmasters (chi l’ha detto che nel web bisogna scrivere veloce?), consiglieri comunali (teoria e tecnica del comizio), e così via. Con un amico sto meditando di organizzare un corso per avvocati, il mio sogno è riuscire a fare un laboratorio di omiletica in seminario (l’omiletica, ossia “teoria e tecnica dell’omelia”, della predica in chiesa).
Tra l’altro: quando si parla di “insegnare a scrivere”, bisognerebbe ricordarsi che la scrittura è uno strumento di uso comune. Non è uno strumento che serve solo agli “scrittori”.

Secondo te, il talento è un valore oggettivo, riconoscibile?
Oggettivo no, riconoscibile sì.

Molti esordienti in cerca di pubblicazione frequentano le scuole di scrittura creativa per stabilire un contatto con qualcuno che possa indirizzare i loro dattiloscritti verso l’agognato traguardo della pubblicazione. Serve? Ha senso?
Ma, suppongo che abbia senso se il docente è uno che fa del lavoro editoriale. Molti pensano che gli “scrittori” facciano lavoro editoriale: ma questo non è vero. E bisognerebbe riuscire a dirlo chiaramente. Nel sito di Simona Vinci, ad esempio, nella pagina per i “contatti”, è scritto chiaramente: “Vi prego cortesemente di NON inviarmi racconti, romanzi o raccolte di poesie. Sono una scrittrice, non un editor, perdonatemi. Non avrei neppure il tempo di leggerli”. Molte persone ritengono una posizione di questo tipo inammissibile. Invece è una posizione sensata e corretta, tanto più sensata e corretta in quanto è esplicita. Da questo punto di vista frequentare un laboratorio di scrittura ha senso tanto quanto aveva senso, in altri tempi, frequentare certi salotti o certi caffè. Ma, ripeto: ai laboratori di scrittura (intendo quelli genericamente dedicati alla narrazione, non quelli specifici che elencavo prima) partecipano soprattutto persone che vogliono imparare a scrivere e raccontare meglio, così come ai corsi di nuoto si iscrivono persone che vogliono imparare a nuotare meglio. Le persone che partecipano ai laboratori di scrittura perché vogliono “diventare scrittori” o “scrittrici”, sono una piccola, piccola minoranza. E, in linea di massima, se me ne càpita qualcuna in un laboratorio mio, cerco di allontanarla. L’esperienza insegna che chi manifesta il desiderio di “diventare uno scrittore” spesso è un elemento di disturbo nel laboratorio: perché ha scopi diversi da quelli di tutti gli altri, e perché il più delle volte è proprio negato per la scrittura.

Ti trovi per le mani un talentaccio: diciamo uno scrittore che ha un enorme potenziale grezzo ma una scrittura viscerale, primitiva, l’equivalente del Selby dei tempi d’oro. Che fai? Non pensi che insegnargli una “tecnica” possa diminuirne la potenza?
Che faccio? Be’, aspetto. Gli presto libri. Lo sto a sentire. Leggo quello che scrive. Lo invito a cena. Andiamo a spasso insieme. Parliamo del più e del meno. Cerchiamo di fare amicizia.

Parliamo di un caso che ti riguarda da vicino. In una intervista concessa a “Inchiostro”, Tullio Avoledo dice di aver curato in special modo i dialoghi de L’elenco telefonico di Atlantide. Di averli cronometrati, e così via. Alcune sere fa, a cena, Wu Ming 1 mi diceva che invece secondo lui i dialoghi erano proprio l a parte più debole dell’insieme: troppo levigati, mentre in base alla sua opinione il linguaggio va “sporcato”, rivitalizzato attraverso il gergo e la deviazione dalla forma più propriamente letteraria. Non esito a parlartene perché lui stesso mi ha detto di averti scritto in proposito. Il punto è: poiché nelle note del libro Avoledo ti ringrazia del tuo contributo al suo lavoro, senza dubbio lo avrai “istradato” (perdonami la brutta espressione, ma non me ne viene un’altra) in una certa direzione per quanto concerne i dialoghi del suo romanzo. Ecco, i miei dubbi sull’insegnamento della scrittura creativa stanno soprattutto in situazioni come questa. Visto che non c’è un metodo, ma ce ne sono tanti, e su questi metodi si può anche discutere: pensi sia giusto “convincere” uno scrittore, che per te ha stima e ammirazione, a fare una scelta piuttosto che un’altra? Non ti viene il dubbio che ciò possa anche nuocergli?
Tullio Avoledo è adulto e vaccinato. Mi ha posto il problema dei dialoghi: secondo lui erano, a quello stadio del lavoro, ancora un po’ “pesanti”. Io gli ho proposto un modo di lavorarli: mi sono messo lì, davanti a lui, con il dattiloscritto e la matita, e ho riempite di segni quattro o cinque pagine. Tullio ha detto: “Questo è un modo interessante di lavorare”. Dopodiché, tutta la revisione se l’è fatta lui. Se c’è una cosa di cui sono sicuro, è che Tullio ha agito in piena autonomia. Quanto all’opinione di Wu Ming 1 su quei dialoghi, confesso che pur avendone discusso con lui non l’ho ancora capita.

La letteratura non è una scienza esatta. Francis Scott Fitzgerald, che uno di gusti difficili come T. S. Eliot definì “il più grande narratore” del suo tempo, conservava nel suo studio le decine e decine di lettere di rifiuto che ebbe dagli editori in risposta dei suoi primi dattiloscritti. Uno scrittore di narrativa, per essere pubblicato, deve affrontare i giudizi di editor, curatori, eccetera. Non sarebbe utile insegnargli come agire per accrescere le sue opportunità, come rendere il suo prodotto più “convincente”? Dopotutto, le scuole americane di cinematografia insegnano anche come andarsi a cercare i finanziamenti, come stabilire contatti con la produzione…
Il problema è che io non capisco in base a che cosa gli editori italiani facciano le loro scelte. L’editore che conosco meglio “dall’interno”, perché pubblica i miei libri, ossia Einaudi, fa scelte per me incomprensibili. Quindi non saprei dare consigli precisi. E poi, insisto, se i laboratori di scrittura non hanno, e quelli che organizzo o conduco io non ce l’hanno, lo scopo di “formare degli scrittori”, allora di questi argomenti c’è poco da parlare.

(1) “Origine” n. 3, Quindici domande a Erri De Luca, a cura di Roberto Balzano
(2) Quello che succede e quello che non succede, epilogo del romanzo Domani nella battaglia pensa a me, di Javier Marìas (“Einaudi”)
(3) e (5) Non un corso di scrittura, di Giulio Mozzi
(4) Dalla prefazione della raccolta di racconti Quand’ero mortale, di Javier Marìas (“Einaudi).


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  810. Your style is very unique compared to other folks I have read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I will just bookmark this blog.

  811. Your style is really unique compared to other people I’ve read stuff from. Many thanks for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I will just bookmark this web site.

  812. Your style is unique compared to other people I’ve read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I’ll just book mark this blog.

  813. Your style is very unique in comparison to other people I have read stuff from. Thanks for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I will just bookmark this site.

  814. Your style is really unique in comparison to other folks I’ve read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I’ll just book mark this web site.

  815. Your style is very unique in comparison to other folks I have read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I will just bookmark this page.

  816. Your style is very unique in comparison to other folks I have read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I will just bookmark this page.

  817. Your style is unique in comparison to other people I’ve read stuff from. Many thanks for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I’ll just bookmark this site.

  818. Your style is unique in comparison to other people I’ve read stuff from. Many thanks for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I’ll just bookmark this site.

  819. Your style is unique compared to other people I’ve read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I’ll just book mark this blog.

  820. Your style is unique compared to other people I’ve read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I’ll just book mark this blog.

  821. Your style is very unique in comparison to other people I have read stuff from. Thanks for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I will just bookmark this web site.

  822. Your style is unique compared to other people I’ve read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I’ll just bookmark this blog.

  823. Your style is unique compared to other people I’ve read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I’ll just bookmark this blog.

  824. Your style is unique in comparison to other people I’ve read stuff from. Many thanks for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I’ll just bookmark this site.

  825. Your style is unique compared to other people I’ve read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I’ll just book mark this blog.

  826. Your style is so unique in comparison to other people I’ve read stuff from. Thank you for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I’ll just bookmark this web site.

  827. Your style is so unique in comparison to other people I’ve read stuff from. Thank you for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I’ll just bookmark this web site.

  828. Your style is very unique in comparison to other folks I have read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I will just bookmark this page.

  829. Your style is really unique in comparison to other people I have read stuff from. Many thanks for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I will just bookmark this web site.

  830. Your style is very unique in comparison to other folks I have read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I will just bookmark this page.

  831. Your style is so unique in comparison to other people I’ve read stuff from. Thank you for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I’ll just bookmark this web site.

  832. Your style is really unique in comparison to other folks I’ve read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I’ll just book mark this web site.

  833. Your style is really unique in comparison to other folks I’ve read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I’ll just book mark this web site.

  834. Your style is unique compared to other people I’ve read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I’ll just bookmark this blog.

  835. Your style is unique compared to other people I’ve read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I’ll just book mark this blog.

  836. Your style is unique compared to other people I’ve read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I’ll just book mark this blog.

  837. Your style is very unique compared to other folks I have read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I will just bookmark this blog.

  838. Your style is unique in comparison to other people I’ve read stuff from. Many thanks for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I’ll just bookmark this site.

  839. Your style is unique in comparison to other people I’ve read stuff from. Many thanks for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I’ll just bookmark this site.

  840. Your style is very unique compared to other folks I have read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I will just bookmark this blog.

  841. Your style is very unique compared to other folks I have read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I will just bookmark this blog.

  842. Your style is very unique compared to other folks I have read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I will just bookmark this blog.

  843. Your style is really unique in comparison to other folks I’ve read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I’ll just book mark this web site.

  844. Your style is very unique in comparison to other folks I have read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I will just bookmark this page.

  845. Your style is very unique in comparison to other people I have read stuff from. Thanks for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I will just bookmark this web site.

  846. Your style is unique compared to other people I’ve read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I’ll just bookmark this blog.

  847. Your style is unique in comparison to other people I’ve read stuff from. Many thanks for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I’ll just bookmark this site.

  848. Your style is unique compared to other people I’ve read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I’ll just bookmark this blog.

  849. Your style is unique compared to other people I’ve read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I’ll just book mark this blog.

  850. Your style is very unique in comparison to other folks I have read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I will just bookmark this page.

  851. Your style is unique compared to other people I’ve read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I’ll just book mark this blog.

  852. Your style is very unique compared to other folks I have read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I will just bookmark this blog.

  853. Your style is unique in comparison to other people I’ve read stuff from. Many thanks for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I’ll just bookmark this site.

  854. Your style is unique compared to other people I’ve read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I’ll just book mark this blog.

  855. Your style is very unique compared to other folks I have read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I will just bookmark this blog.

  856. Your style is unique compared to other people I’ve read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I’ll just bookmark this blog.

  857. Your style is unique in comparison to other people I’ve read stuff from. Many thanks for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I’ll just bookmark this site.

  858. Your style is really unique in comparison to other people I have read stuff from. Many thanks for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I will just bookmark this web site.

  859. Your style is unique compared to other people I’ve read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I’ll just book mark this blog.

  860. Your style is so unique in comparison to other people I’ve read stuff from. Thank you for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I’ll just bookmark this web site.

  861. Your style is unique compared to other people I’ve read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I’ll just bookmark this blog.

  862. Your style is unique in comparison to other people I’ve read stuff from. Many thanks for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I’ll just bookmark this site.

  863. Your style is very unique compared to other folks I have read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I will just bookmark this blog.

  864. Your style is really unique compared to other people I’ve read stuff from. Many thanks for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I will just bookmark this web site.

  865. Your style is unique compared to other people I’ve read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I’ll just book mark this blog.

  866. Your style is really unique in comparison to other people I have read stuff from. Many thanks for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I will just bookmark this web site.

  867. Your style is unique compared to other people I’ve read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I’ll just bookmark this blog.

  868. Your style is unique in comparison to other people I’ve read stuff from. Many thanks for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I’ll just bookmark this site.

  869. Your style is unique compared to other people I’ve read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I’ll just book mark this blog.

  870. Your style is really unique in comparison to other folks I’ve read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I’ll just book mark this web site.

  871. Your style is so unique in comparison to other people I’ve read stuff from. Thank you for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I’ll just bookmark this web site.

  872. Your style is so unique in comparison to other people I’ve read stuff from. Thank you for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I’ll just bookmark this web site.

  873. Your style is really unique compared to other people I’ve read stuff from. Many thanks for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I will just bookmark this web site.

  874. Your style is unique compared to other people I’ve read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I’ll just bookmark this blog.

  875. Your style is so unique in comparison to other people I’ve read stuff from. Thank you for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I’ll just bookmark this web site.

  876. Your style is unique in comparison to other people I’ve read stuff from. Many thanks for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I’ll just bookmark this site.

  877. Your style is really unique in comparison to other folks I’ve read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I’ll just book mark this web site.

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  882. You are my aspiration , I possess few web logs and occasionally run out from to brand.I conceive this internet site contains some really good info for everyone. “A man’s dreams are an index to his greatness.” by Zadok Rabinwitz.

  883. You are so awesome! I don’t suppose I’ve read through a single thing like that before. So nice to find somebody with some original thoughts on this subject matter. Really.. many thanks for starting this up. This website is something that is required on the web, someone with a bit of originality!

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  885. You are my aspiration , I possess few web logs and occasionally run out from to brand.I conceive this internet site contains some really good info for everyone. “A man’s dreams are an index to his greatness.” by Zadok Rabinwitz.

  886. You are so cool! I do not suppose I’ve truly read a single thing like that before. So good to find somebody with a few unique thoughts on this subject. Seriously.. many thanks for starting this up. This website is one thing that is needed on the web, someone with some originality!

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  891. You are so awesome! I do not believe I’ve read anything like that before. So nice to find another person with a few genuine thoughts on this issue. Seriously.. thank you for starting this up. This website is one thing that is required on the web, someone with a little originality!

  892. You are so interesting! I don’t think I’ve read through something like that before. So wonderful to discover somebody with a few original thoughts on this subject. Really.. thank you for starting this up. This web site is something that is required on the web, someone with a bit of originality!

  893. You are so interesting! I do not suppose I’ve truly read anything like this before. So wonderful to discover another person with some unique thoughts on this topic. Seriously.. thank you for starting this up. This site is one thing that is needed on the internet, someone with a bit of originality!

  894. You are my inhalation , I have few blogs and very sporadically run out from to post .I conceive this website holds some rattling great info for everyone. “He who has not looked on Sorrow will never see Joy.” by Kahlil Gibran.

  895. You are so cool! I don’t think I’ve truly read through something like that before. So wonderful to find somebody with some original thoughts on this topic. Really.. thanks for starting this up. This website is one thing that is required on the internet, someone with some originality!

  896. You are so cool! I don’t believe I’ve truly read through a single thing like this before. So good to find someone with unique thoughts on this topic. Seriously.. thanks for starting this up. This site is one thing that’s needed on the internet, someone with some originality!

  897. You are so interesting! I do not think I’ve read through something like that before. So nice to find somebody with unique thoughts on this subject. Seriously.. thanks for starting this up. This web site is one thing that is needed on the web, someone with a little originality!

  898. You are my inhalation , I have few blogs and very sporadically run out from to post .I conceive this website holds some rattling great info for everyone. “He who has not looked on Sorrow will never see Joy.” by Kahlil Gibran.

  899. You can certainly see your skills within the paintings you write. The sector hopes for even more passionate writers such as you who aren’t afraid to mention how they believe. Always go after your heart. “There are only two industries that refer to their customers as users.” by Edward Tufte.

  900. You are so interesting! I do not suppose I’ve truly read anything like this before. So wonderful to discover another person with some unique thoughts on this topic. Seriously.. thank you for starting this up. This site is one thing that is needed on the internet, someone with a bit of originality!

  901. You are so cool! I do not suppose I’ve truly read a single thing like that before. So good to find somebody with a few unique thoughts on this subject. Seriously.. many thanks for starting this up. This website is one thing that is needed on the web, someone with some originality!

  902. You are so interesting! I do not suppose I’ve truly read anything like this before. So wonderful to discover another person with some unique thoughts on this topic. Seriously.. thank you for starting this up. This site is one thing that is needed on the internet, someone with a bit of originality!

  903. You are my inhalation , I own few blogs and very sporadically run out from to brand.I conceive this website has got some very excellent information for everyone. “A sense of share is not a bad moral compass.” by Colin.

  904. You are so interesting! I don’t believe I have read a single thing like that before. So wonderful to discover another person with original thoughts on this subject. Really.. thanks for starting this up. This website is one thing that is required on the web, someone with some originality!

  905. You are so interesting! I do not suppose I’ve truly read anything like this before. So wonderful to discover another person with some unique thoughts on this topic. Seriously.. thank you for starting this up. This site is one thing that is needed on the internet, someone with a bit of originality!

  906. You are my aspiration , I possess few web logs and occasionally run out from to brand.I conceive this internet site contains some really good info for everyone. “A man’s dreams are an index to his greatness.” by Zadok Rabinwitz.

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  908. You are so interesting! I do not suppose I’ve truly read anything like this before. So wonderful to discover another person with some unique thoughts on this topic. Seriously.. thank you for starting this up. This site is one thing that is needed on the internet, someone with a bit of originality!

  909. You are so cool! I do not think I have read anything like this before. So great to discover somebody with unique thoughts on this subject matter. Really.. thanks for starting this up. This site is one thing that’s needed on the internet, someone with some originality!

  910. You are so cool! I don’t believe I’ve truly read through a single thing like this before. So good to find someone with unique thoughts on this topic. Seriously.. thanks for starting this up. This site is one thing that’s needed on the internet, someone with some originality!

  911. You are so awesome! I don’t think I’ve truly read through anything like this before. So nice to find another person with a few unique thoughts on this issue. Really.. thank you for starting this up. This site is something that is required on the web, someone with a bit of originality!

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  918. You actually make it seem so easy with your presentation but I find this topic to be really something which I think I would never understand. It seems too complex and very broad for me. I am looking forward for your next post, I’ll try to get the hang of it!

  919. you are really a good webmaster. The web site loading speed is incredible. It seems that you’re doing any distinctive trick. Also, The contents are masterpiece. you have done a great process on this topic!

  920. You are so cool! I don’t think I’ve truly read through something like that before. So wonderful to find somebody with some original thoughts on this topic. Really.. thanks for starting this up. This website is one thing that is required on the internet, someone with some originality!

  921. You are so cool! I do not think I have read anything like this before. So great to discover somebody with unique thoughts on this subject matter. Really.. thanks for starting this up. This site is one thing that’s needed on the internet, someone with some originality!

  922. You are so awesome! I don’t think I’ve truly read through anything like this before. So nice to find another person with a few unique thoughts on this issue. Really.. thank you for starting this up. This site is something that is required on the web, someone with a bit of originality!

  923. You are so cool! I do not think I have read anything like this before. So great to discover somebody with unique thoughts on this subject matter. Really.. thanks for starting this up. This site is one thing that’s needed on the internet, someone with some originality!

  924. You can certainly see your skills within the paintings you write. The sector hopes for even more passionate writers such as you who aren’t afraid to mention how they believe. Always go after your heart. “There are only two industries that refer to their customers as users.” by Edward Tufte.

  925. You are my aspiration, I own few blogs and occasionally run out from post :). “He who controls the past commands the future. He who commands the future conquers the past.” by George Orwell.

  926. You are so interesting! I do not suppose I’ve truly read anything like this before. So wonderful to discover another person with some unique thoughts on this topic. Seriously.. thank you for starting this up. This site is one thing that is needed on the internet, someone with a bit of originality!

  927. You are so cool! I do not think I have read anything like this before. So great to discover somebody with unique thoughts on this subject matter. Really.. thanks for starting this up. This site is one thing that’s needed on the internet, someone with some originality!

  928. You are so interesting! I do not think I’ve read through something like that before. So nice to find somebody with unique thoughts on this subject. Seriously.. thanks for starting this up. This web site is one thing that is needed on the web, someone with a little originality!

  929. You are so interesting! I do not think I’ve read through something like that before. So nice to find somebody with unique thoughts on this subject. Seriously.. thanks for starting this up. This web site is one thing that is needed on the web, someone with a little originality!

  930. You could definitely see your skills in the paintings you write. The world hopes for even more passionate writers such as you who aren’t afraid to mention how they believe. At all times follow your heart. “In order to preserve your self-respect, it is sometimes necessary to lie and cheat.” by Robert Byrne.

  931. You could definitely see your expertise within the work you write. The sector hopes for more passionate writers such as you who aren’t afraid to say how they believe. At all times go after your heart. “History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon.” by Napoleon.

  932. You could definitely see your expertise within the work you write. The sector hopes for more passionate writers such as you who aren’t afraid to say how they believe. At all times go after your heart. “History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon.” by Napoleon.

  933. You could certainly see your skills within the work you write. The sector hopes for more passionate writers like you who aren’t afraid to mention how they believe. At all times go after your heart. “The most profound joy has more of gravity than of gaiety in it.” by Michel de Montaigne.

  934. You are so interesting! I don’t believe I have read a single thing like that before. So wonderful to discover another person with original thoughts on this subject. Really.. thanks for starting this up. This website is one thing that is required on the web, someone with some originality!

  935. You have made some decent points there. I looked on the internet to find out more about the issue and found most individuals will go along with your views on this web site.

  936. You can definitely see your expertise in the paintings you write. The world hopes for more passionate writers like you who are not afraid to say how they believe. At all times go after your heart.

  937. You are so interesting! I do not suppose I’ve truly read anything like this before. So wonderful to discover another person with some unique thoughts on this topic. Seriously.. thank you for starting this up. This site is one thing that is needed on the internet, someone with a bit of originality!

  938. You could definitely see your skills in the paintings you write. The world hopes for even more passionate writers such as you who aren’t afraid to mention how they believe. At all times follow your heart. “In order to preserve your self-respect, it is sometimes necessary to lie and cheat.” by Robert Byrne.

  939. You could certainly see your skills within the work you write. The sector hopes for more passionate writers like you who aren’t afraid to mention how they believe. At all times go after your heart. “The most profound joy has more of gravity than of gaiety in it.” by Michel de Montaigne.

  940. You are so cool! I do not suppose I’ve truly read a single thing like that before. So good to find somebody with a few unique thoughts on this subject. Seriously.. many thanks for starting this up. This website is one thing that is needed on the web, someone with some originality!

  941. You could definitely see your skills in the paintings you write. The world hopes for even more passionate writers such as you who aren’t afraid to mention how they believe. At all times follow your heart. “In order to preserve your self-respect, it is sometimes necessary to lie and cheat.” by Robert Byrne.

  942. You are my inhalation , I have few blogs and very sporadically run out from to post .I conceive this website holds some rattling great info for everyone. “He who has not looked on Sorrow will never see Joy.” by Kahlil Gibran.

  943. You could certainly see your expertise in the work you write. The sector hopes for more passionate writers such as you who aren’t afraid to say how they believe. All the time follow your heart. “Man is the measure of all things.” by Protagoras.

  944. You could definitely see your expertise within the work you write. The sector hopes for more passionate writers such as you who aren’t afraid to say how they believe. At all times go after your heart. “History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon.” by Napoleon.

  945. You are so cool! I don’t think I’ve truly read through something like that before. So wonderful to find somebody with some original thoughts on this topic. Really.. thanks for starting this up. This website is one thing that is required on the internet, someone with some originality!

  946. You are so interesting! I don’t believe I have read through anything like this before. So great to discover somebody with a few genuine thoughts on this issue. Really.. many thanks for starting this up. This web site is one thing that is required on the web, someone with a little originality!

  947. You are so cool! I do not think I have read anything like this before. So great to discover somebody with unique thoughts on this subject matter. Really.. thanks for starting this up. This site is one thing that’s needed on the internet, someone with some originality!

  948. You could definitely see your skills in the paintings you write. The world hopes for even more passionate writers such as you who aren’t afraid to mention how they believe. At all times follow your heart. “In order to preserve your self-respect, it is sometimes necessary to lie and cheat.” by Robert Byrne.

  949. You can definitely see your skills in the work you write. The world hopes for more passionate writers like you who are not afraid to mention how they believe. At all times follow your heart.

  950. You could definitely see your skills in the paintings you write. The world hopes for even more passionate writers such as you who aren’t afraid to mention how they believe. At all times follow your heart. “In order to preserve your self-respect, it is sometimes necessary to lie and cheat.” by Robert Byrne.

  951. You are so interesting! I don’t think I’ve read through something like that before. So wonderful to discover somebody with a few original thoughts on this subject. Really.. thank you for starting this up. This web site is something that is required on the web, someone with a bit of originality!

  952. You are so interesting! I do not think I’ve read through something like that before. So nice to find somebody with unique thoughts on this subject. Seriously.. thanks for starting this up. This web site is one thing that is needed on the web, someone with a little originality!

  953. You are so interesting! I do not suppose I’ve truly read anything like this before. So wonderful to discover another person with some unique thoughts on this topic. Seriously.. thank you for starting this up. This site is one thing that is needed on the internet, someone with a bit of originality!

  954. You could certainly see your skills within the work you write. The sector hopes for more passionate writers like you who aren’t afraid to mention how they believe. At all times go after your heart. “The most profound joy has more of gravity than of gaiety in it.” by Michel de Montaigne.

  955. You could certainly see your skills within the paintings you write. The sector hopes for more passionate writers like you who are not afraid to mention how they believe. All the time go after your heart. “The point of quotations is that one can use another’s words to be insulting.” by Amanda Cross.

  956. You can definitely see your skills in the work you write. The world hopes for more passionate writers like you who are not afraid to mention how they believe. At all times follow your heart.

  957. You are so cool! I don’t believe I’ve truly read through a single thing like this before. So good to find someone with unique thoughts on this topic. Seriously.. thanks for starting this up. This site is one thing that’s needed on the internet, someone with some originality!

  958. You are so interesting! I don’t believe I have read a single thing like that before. So wonderful to discover another person with original thoughts on this subject. Really.. thanks for starting this up. This website is one thing that is required on the web, someone with some originality!

  959. you are really a just right webmaster. The site loading speed is amazing. It kind of feels that you are doing any unique trick. Moreover, The contents are masterpiece. you’ve done a wonderful job on this topic!

  960. You are so interesting! I don’t believe I have read a single thing like that before. So wonderful to discover another person with original thoughts on this subject. Really.. thanks for starting this up. This website is one thing that is required on the web, someone with some originality!

  961. You could certainly see your expertise in the work you write. The sector hopes for more passionate writers such as you who aren’t afraid to say how they believe. All the time follow your heart. “Man is the measure of all things.” by Protagoras.

  962. You are so awesome! I do not believe I’ve read anything like that before. So nice to find another person with a few genuine thoughts on this issue. Seriously.. thank you for starting this up. This website is one thing that is required on the web, someone with a little originality!

  963. You are so cool! I do not suppose I’ve read through a single thing like this before. So wonderful to discover someone with some unique thoughts on this topic. Really.. many thanks for starting this up. This web site is one thing that’s needed on the web, someone with a little originality!

  964. You are so interesting! I don’t think I’ve read through something like that before. So wonderful to discover somebody with a few original thoughts on this subject. Really.. thank you for starting this up. This web site is something that is required on the web, someone with a bit of originality!

  965. You can definitely see your skills in the work you write. The world hopes for more passionate writers like you who are not afraid to mention how they believe. At all times follow your heart.

  966. you are really a good webmaster. The web site loading speed is incredible. It seems that you’re doing any distinctive trick. Also, The contents are masterpiece. you have done a great process on this topic!

  967. You could certainly see your skills within the paintings you write. The sector hopes for more passionate writers like you who are not afraid to mention how they believe. All the time go after your heart. “The point of quotations is that one can use another’s words to be insulting.” by Amanda Cross.

  968. You could definitely see your skills in the paintings you write. The world hopes for even more passionate writers such as you who aren’t afraid to mention how they believe. At all times follow your heart. “In order to preserve your self-respect, it is sometimes necessary to lie and cheat.” by Robert Byrne.

  969. You can definitely see your expertise in the paintings you write. The world hopes for more passionate writers like you who are not afraid to say how they believe. At all times go after your heart.

  970. You could certainly see your skills within the paintings you write. The sector hopes for more passionate writers like you who are not afraid to mention how they believe. All the time go after your heart. “The point of quotations is that one can use another’s words to be insulting.” by Amanda Cross.

  971. You could certainly see your skills within the work you write. The sector hopes for more passionate writers like you who aren’t afraid to mention how they believe. At all times go after your heart. “The most profound joy has more of gravity than of gaiety in it.” by Michel de Montaigne.

  972. You can definitely see your skills in the work you write. The world hopes for more passionate writers like you who are not afraid to mention how they believe. At all times follow your heart.

  973. You are so cool! I do not think I have read anything like this before. So great to discover somebody with unique thoughts on this subject matter. Really.. thanks for starting this up. This site is one thing that’s needed on the internet, someone with some originality!

  974. You are so interesting! I don’t think I’ve read through something like that before. So wonderful to discover somebody with a few original thoughts on this subject. Really.. thank you for starting this up. This web site is something that is required on the web, someone with a bit of originality!

  975. You are so cool! I do not suppose I’ve truly read a single thing like that before. So good to find somebody with a few unique thoughts on this subject. Seriously.. many thanks for starting this up. This website is one thing that is needed on the web, someone with some originality!

  976. You could definitely see your skills in the paintings you write. The world hopes for even more passionate writers such as you who aren’t afraid to mention how they believe. At all times follow your heart. “In order to preserve your self-respect, it is sometimes necessary to lie and cheat.” by Robert Byrne.

  977. You are so interesting! I don’t believe I have read a single thing like that before. So wonderful to discover another person with original thoughts on this subject. Really.. thanks for starting this up. This website is one thing that is required on the web, someone with some originality!

  978. You are so awesome! I don’t think I’ve truly read through anything like this before. So nice to find another person with a few unique thoughts on this issue. Really.. thank you for starting this up. This site is something that is required on the web, someone with a bit of originality!

  979. You can definitely see your skills in the work you write. The world hopes for more passionate writers like you who are not afraid to mention how they believe. At all times follow your heart.

  980. You could certainly see your expertise in the work you write. The sector hopes for more passionate writers such as you who aren’t afraid to say how they believe. All the time follow your heart. “Man is the measure of all things.” by Protagoras.

  981. You are so cool! I don’t believe I’ve truly read through a single thing like this before. So good to find someone with unique thoughts on this topic. Seriously.. thanks for starting this up. This site is one thing that’s needed on the internet, someone with some originality!

  982. You are my inhalation , I have few blogs and very sporadically run out from to post .I conceive this website holds some rattling great info for everyone. “He who has not looked on Sorrow will never see Joy.” by Kahlil Gibran.

  983. You are so awesome! I don’t suppose I’ve read through a single thing like that before. So nice to find somebody with some original thoughts on this subject matter. Really.. many thanks for starting this up. This website is something that is required on the web, someone with a bit of originality!

  984. You can definitely see your skills in the work you write. The world hopes for more passionate writers like you who are not afraid to mention how they believe. At all times follow your heart.

  985. You are so interesting! I do not suppose I’ve truly read anything like this before. So wonderful to discover another person with some unique thoughts on this topic. Seriously.. thank you for starting this up. This site is one thing that is needed on the internet, someone with a bit of originality!

  986. You are so cool! I do not suppose I’ve truly read a single thing like that before. So good to find somebody with a few unique thoughts on this subject. Seriously.. many thanks for starting this up. This website is one thing that is needed on the web, someone with some originality!

  987. You are so interesting! I don’t believe I have read a single thing like that before. So wonderful to discover another person with original thoughts on this subject. Really.. thanks for starting this up. This website is one thing that is required on the web, someone with some originality!

  988. You could certainly see your skills within the work you write. The sector hopes for more passionate writers like you who aren’t afraid to mention how they believe. At all times go after your heart. “The most profound joy has more of gravity than of gaiety in it.” by Michel de Montaigne.

  989. You are so interesting! I don’t believe I have read a single thing like that before. So wonderful to discover another person with original thoughts on this subject. Really.. thanks for starting this up. This website is one thing that is required on the web, someone with some originality!

  990. You are so cool! I do not think I have read anything like this before. So great to discover somebody with unique thoughts on this subject matter. Really.. thanks for starting this up. This site is one thing that’s needed on the internet, someone with some originality!

  991. You are so cool! I don’t think I’ve truly read through something like that before. So wonderful to find somebody with some original thoughts on this topic. Really.. thanks for starting this up. This website is one thing that is required on the internet, someone with some originality!

  992. You are so cool! I do not suppose I’ve read through a single thing like this before. So wonderful to discover someone with some unique thoughts on this topic. Really.. many thanks for starting this up. This web site is one thing that’s needed on the web, someone with a little originality!

  993. You are so awesome! I don’t think I’ve truly read through anything like this before. So nice to find another person with a few unique thoughts on this issue. Really.. thank you for starting this up. This site is something that is required on the web, someone with a bit of originality!

  994. You are so interesting! I do not suppose I’ve truly read anything like this before. So wonderful to discover another person with some unique thoughts on this topic. Seriously.. thank you for starting this up. This site is one thing that is needed on the internet, someone with a bit of originality!

  995. You are so cool! I do not think I have read anything like this before. So great to discover somebody with unique thoughts on this subject matter. Really.. thanks for starting this up. This site is one thing that’s needed on the internet, someone with some originality!

  996. You could certainly see your skills within the work you write. The sector hopes for more passionate writers like you who aren’t afraid to mention how they believe. At all times go after your heart. “The most profound joy has more of gravity than of gaiety in it.” by Michel de Montaigne.

  997. You are so interesting! I don’t believe I have read through anything like this before. So great to discover somebody with a few genuine thoughts on this issue. Really.. many thanks for starting this up. This web site is one thing that is required on the web, someone with a little originality!

  998. You are so interesting! I don’t believe I have read through anything like this before. So great to discover somebody with a few genuine thoughts on this issue. Really.. many thanks for starting this up. This web site is one thing that is required on the web, someone with a little originality!

  999. You are so cool! I do not think I have read anything like this before. So great to discover somebody with unique thoughts on this subject matter. Really.. thanks for starting this up. This site is one thing that’s needed on the internet, someone with some originality!

  1000. You could certainly see your expertise in the work you write. The sector hopes for more passionate writers such as you who aren’t afraid to say how they believe. All the time follow your heart. “Man is the measure of all things.” by Protagoras.

  1001. You are so cool! I do not suppose I’ve truly read a single thing like that before. So good to find somebody with a few unique thoughts on this subject. Seriously.. many thanks for starting this up. This website is one thing that is needed on the web, someone with some originality!

  1002. You are my inhalation , I own few blogs and very sporadically run out from to brand.I conceive this website has got some very excellent information for everyone. “A sense of share is not a bad moral compass.” by Colin.

  1003. you are really a just right webmaster. The site loading speed is amazing. It kind of feels that you are doing any unique trick. Moreover, The contents are masterpiece. you’ve done a wonderful job on this topic!

  1004. You are so cool! I don’t believe I’ve truly read through a single thing like this before. So good to find someone with unique thoughts on this topic. Seriously.. thanks for starting this up. This site is one thing that’s needed on the internet, someone with some originality!

  1005. you are actually a good webmaster. The web site loading speed is amazing. It kind of feels that you are doing any distinctive trick. In addition, The contents are masterpiece. you’ve done a great process on this matter!

  1006. you are in point of fact a good webmaster. The website loading speed is incredible. It seems that you are doing any unique trick. Moreover, The contents are masterwork. you’ve performed a excellent activity in this subject!

  1007. You are so cool! I do not think I have read anything like this before. So great to discover somebody with unique thoughts on this subject matter. Really.. thanks for starting this up. This site is one thing that’s needed on the internet, someone with some originality!

  1008. You are my aspiration , I possess few web logs and occasionally run out from to brand.I conceive this internet site contains some really good info for everyone. “A man’s dreams are an index to his greatness.” by Zadok Rabinwitz.

  1009. You are so interesting! I don’t think I’ve read through something like that before. So wonderful to discover somebody with a few original thoughts on this subject. Really.. thank you for starting this up. This web site is something that is required on the web, someone with a bit of originality!

  1010. You are so cool! I don’t think I’ve truly read through something like that before. So wonderful to find somebody with some original thoughts on this topic. Really.. thanks for starting this up. This website is one thing that is required on the internet, someone with some originality!

  1011. You are so interesting! I don’t believe I have read through anything like this before. So great to discover somebody with a few genuine thoughts on this issue. Really.. many thanks for starting this up. This web site is one thing that is required on the web, someone with a little originality!

  1012. You actually make it seem so easy with your presentation but I find this topic to be really something which I think I would never understand. It seems too complex and very broad for me. I am looking forward for your next post, I’ll try to get the hang of it!

  1013. You are so cool! I do not suppose I’ve read through a single thing like this before. So wonderful to discover someone with some unique thoughts on this topic. Really.. many thanks for starting this up. This web site is one thing that’s needed on the web, someone with a little originality!

  1014. You could certainly see your expertise in the work you write. The sector hopes for more passionate writers such as you who aren’t afraid to say how they believe. All the time follow your heart. “Man is the measure of all things.” by Protagoras.

  1015. You are so cool! I don’t believe I’ve truly read through a single thing like this before. So good to find someone with unique thoughts on this topic. Seriously.. thanks for starting this up. This site is one thing that’s needed on the internet, someone with some originality!

  1016. You are my inhalation , I have few blogs and very sporadically run out from to post .I conceive this website holds some rattling great info for everyone. “He who has not looked on Sorrow will never see Joy.” by Kahlil Gibran.

  1017. You are so interesting! I don’t believe I have read a single thing like that before. So wonderful to discover another person with original thoughts on this subject. Really.. thanks for starting this up. This website is one thing that is required on the web, someone with some originality!

  1018. You are so cool! I do not think I have read anything like this before. So great to discover somebody with unique thoughts on this subject matter. Really.. thanks for starting this up. This site is one thing that’s needed on the internet, someone with some originality!

  1019. You are so cool! I don’t believe I’ve truly read through a single thing like this before. So good to find someone with unique thoughts on this topic. Seriously.. thanks for starting this up. This site is one thing that’s needed on the internet, someone with some originality!

  1020. you are really a good webmaster. The web site loading speed is incredible. It seems that you’re doing any distinctive trick. Also, The contents are masterpiece. you have done a great process on this topic!

  1021. You can certainly see your skills within the paintings you write. The sector hopes for even more passionate writers such as you who aren’t afraid to mention how they believe. Always go after your heart. “There are only two industries that refer to their customers as users.” by Edward Tufte.

  1022. You could certainly see your skills within the paintings you write. The sector hopes for more passionate writers like you who are not afraid to mention how they believe. All the time go after your heart. “The point of quotations is that one can use another’s words to be insulting.” by Amanda Cross.

  1023. You actually make it seem so easy with your presentation but I find this topic to be actually something which I think I would never understand. It seems too complex and very broad for me. I’m looking forward for your next post, I will try to get the hang of it!

  1024. You are so cool! I do not suppose I’ve read through a single thing like this before. So wonderful to discover someone with some unique thoughts on this topic. Really.. many thanks for starting this up. This web site is one thing that’s needed on the web, someone with a little originality!

  1025. You are so cool! I don’t believe I’ve truly read through a single thing like this before. So good to find someone with unique thoughts on this topic. Seriously.. thanks for starting this up. This site is one thing that’s needed on the internet, someone with some originality!

  1026. you are actually a good webmaster. The web site loading speed is amazing. It kind of feels that you are doing any distinctive trick. In addition, The contents are masterpiece. you’ve done a great process on this matter!

  1027. You are so awesome! I don’t think I’ve truly read through anything like this before. So nice to find another person with a few unique thoughts on this issue. Really.. thank you for starting this up. This site is something that is required on the web, someone with a bit of originality!

  1028. You are so awesome! I don’t suppose I’ve read through a single thing like that before. So nice to find somebody with some original thoughts on this subject matter. Really.. many thanks for starting this up. This website is something that is required on the web, someone with a bit of originality!

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  1056. You are so awesome! I don’t suppose I’ve read through a single thing like that before. So nice to find somebody with some original thoughts on this subject matter. Really.. many thanks for starting this up. This website is something that is required on the web, someone with a bit of originality!

  1057. You are so awesome! I do not believe I’ve read anything like that before. So nice to find another person with a few genuine thoughts on this issue. Seriously.. thank you for starting this up. This website is one thing that is required on the web, someone with a little originality!

  1058. You are so cool! I don’t think I’ve truly read through something like that before. So wonderful to find somebody with some original thoughts on this topic. Really.. thanks for starting this up. This website is one thing that is required on the internet, someone with some originality!

  1059. You are so awesome! I do not believe I’ve read anything like that before. So nice to find another person with a few genuine thoughts on this issue. Seriously.. thank you for starting this up. This website is one thing that is required on the web, someone with a little originality!

  1060. You are so cool! I do not suppose I’ve truly read a single thing like that before. So good to find somebody with a few unique thoughts on this subject. Seriously.. many thanks for starting this up. This website is one thing that is needed on the web, someone with some originality!

  1061. You are my inhalation , I own few blogs and very sporadically run out from to brand.I conceive this website has got some very excellent information for everyone. “A sense of share is not a bad moral compass.” by Colin.

  1062. You are so interesting! I don’t believe I have read a single thing like that before. So wonderful to discover another person with original thoughts on this subject. Really.. thanks for starting this up. This website is one thing that is required on the web, someone with some originality!

  1063. You are so interesting! I don’t think I’ve read through something like that before. So wonderful to discover somebody with a few original thoughts on this subject. Really.. thank you for starting this up. This web site is something that is required on the web, someone with a bit of originality!

  1064. You actually make it seem so easy with your presentation but I find this topic to be actually something which I think I would never understand. It seems too complex and very broad for me. I’m looking forward for your next post, I will try to get the hang of it!

  1065. you are really a just right webmaster. The site loading speed is amazing. It kind of feels that you are doing any unique trick. Moreover, The contents are masterpiece. you’ve done a wonderful job on this topic!

  1066. you are really a just right webmaster. The site loading speed is amazing. It kind of feels that you are doing any unique trick. Moreover, The contents are masterpiece. you’ve done a wonderful job on this topic!

  1067. You could certainly see your enthusiasm within the work you write. The arena hopes for more passionate writers like you who aren’t afraid to mention how they believe. Always follow your heart. “Golf and sex are about the only things you can enjoy without being good at.” by Jimmy Demaret.

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  1069. You are so awesome! I don’t think I’ve truly read through anything like this before. So nice to find another person with a few unique thoughts on this issue. Really.. thank you for starting this up. This site is something that is required on the web, someone with a bit of originality!

  1070. You are my aspiration, I own few blogs and occasionally run out from post :). “He who controls the past commands the future. He who commands the future conquers the past.” by George Orwell.

  1071. You could definitely see your skills in the paintings you write. The world hopes for even more passionate writers such as you who aren’t afraid to mention how they believe. At all times follow your heart. “In order to preserve your self-respect, it is sometimes necessary to lie and cheat.” by Robert Byrne.

  1072. You are so interesting! I do not think I’ve read through something like that before. So nice to find somebody with unique thoughts on this subject. Seriously.. thanks for starting this up. This web site is one thing that is needed on the web, someone with a little originality!

  1073. You are so cool! I do not suppose I’ve read through a single thing like this before. So wonderful to discover someone with some unique thoughts on this topic. Really.. many thanks for starting this up. This web site is one thing that’s needed on the web, someone with a little originality!

  1074. You could certainly see your enthusiasm within the work you write. The arena hopes for more passionate writers like you who aren’t afraid to mention how they believe. Always follow your heart. “Golf and sex are about the only things you can enjoy without being good at.” by Jimmy Demaret.

  1075. You could certainly see your expertise in the work you write. The sector hopes for more passionate writers such as you who aren’t afraid to say how they believe. All the time follow your heart. “Man is the measure of all things.” by Protagoras.

  1076. You are so interesting! I do not think I’ve read through something like that before. So nice to find somebody with unique thoughts on this subject. Seriously.. thanks for starting this up. This web site is one thing that is needed on the web, someone with a little originality!

  1077. You could certainly see your skills within the paintings you write. The sector hopes for more passionate writers like you who are not afraid to mention how they believe. All the time go after your heart. “The point of quotations is that one can use another’s words to be insulting.” by Amanda Cross.

  1078. You can definitely see your skills in the work you write. The world hopes for more passionate writers like you who are not afraid to mention how they believe. At all times follow your heart.

  1079. you are actually a good webmaster. The web site loading speed is amazing. It kind of feels that you are doing any distinctive trick. In addition, The contents are masterpiece. you’ve done a great process on this matter!

  1080. You are so interesting! I don’t believe I have read a single thing like that before. So wonderful to discover another person with original thoughts on this subject. Really.. thanks for starting this up. This website is one thing that is required on the web, someone with some originality!

  1081. You can certainly see your skills within the paintings you write. The sector hopes for even more passionate writers such as you who aren’t afraid to mention how they believe. Always go after your heart. “There are only two industries that refer to their customers as users.” by Edward Tufte.

  1082. You could definitely see your skills in the paintings you write. The world hopes for even more passionate writers such as you who aren’t afraid to mention how they believe. At all times follow your heart. “In order to preserve your self-respect, it is sometimes necessary to lie and cheat.” by Robert Byrne.

  1083. You could certainly see your enthusiasm within the work you write. The arena hopes for more passionate writers like you who aren’t afraid to mention how they believe. Always follow your heart. “Golf and sex are about the only things you can enjoy without being good at.” by Jimmy Demaret.

  1084. You can definitely see your expertise in the paintings you write. The world hopes for more passionate writers like you who are not afraid to say how they believe. At all times go after your heart.

  1085. You can definitely see your expertise in the paintings you write. The world hopes for more passionate writers like you who are not afraid to say how they believe. At all times go after your heart.

  1086. You could definitely see your expertise within the work you write. The sector hopes for more passionate writers such as you who aren’t afraid to say how they believe. At all times go after your heart. “History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon.” by Napoleon.

  1087. You can certainly see your skills within the paintings you write. The sector hopes for even more passionate writers such as you who aren’t afraid to mention how they believe. Always go after your heart. “There are only two industries that refer to their customers as users.” by Edward Tufte.

  1088. You could definitely see your expertise within the work you write. The sector hopes for more passionate writers such as you who aren’t afraid to say how they believe. At all times go after your heart. “History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon.” by Napoleon.

  1089. You could definitely see your skills in the paintings you write. The world hopes for even more passionate writers such as you who aren’t afraid to mention how they believe. At all times follow your heart. “In order to preserve your self-respect, it is sometimes necessary to lie and cheat.” by Robert Byrne.

  1090. You are so interesting! I don’t believe I have read through anything like this before. So great to discover somebody with a few genuine thoughts on this issue. Really.. many thanks for starting this up. This web site is one thing that is required on the web, someone with a little originality!

  1091. You have noted very interesting points ! ps decent website . “Where can I find a man governed by reason instead of habits and urges” by Kahlil Gibran.

  1092. You could certainly see your skills within the work you write. The sector hopes for more passionate writers like you who aren’t afraid to mention how they believe. At all times go after your heart. “The most profound joy has more of gravity than of gaiety in it.” by Michel de Montaigne.

  1093. You could certainly see your expertise in the work you write. The sector hopes for more passionate writers such as you who aren’t afraid to say how they believe. All the time follow your heart. “Man is the measure of all things.” by Protagoras.

  1094. You can certainly see your skills within the paintings you write. The sector hopes for even more passionate writers such as you who aren’t afraid to mention how they believe. Always go after your heart. “There are only two industries that refer to their customers as users.” by Edward Tufte.

  1095. You are so interesting! I don’t think I’ve read through something like that before. So wonderful to discover somebody with a few original thoughts on this subject. Really.. thank you for starting this up. This web site is something that is required on the web, someone with a bit of originality!

  1096. You are so interesting! I don’t think I’ve read through something like that before. So wonderful to discover somebody with a few original thoughts on this subject. Really.. thank you for starting this up. This web site is something that is required on the web, someone with a bit of originality!

  1097. You can definitely see your expertise in the paintings you write. The world hopes for more passionate writers like you who are not afraid to say how they believe. At all times go after your heart.

  1098. You are so cool! I do not think I have read anything like this before. So great to discover somebody with unique thoughts on this subject matter. Really.. thanks for starting this up. This site is one thing that’s needed on the internet, someone with some originality!

  1099. You can certainly see your skills within the paintings you write. The sector hopes for even more passionate writers such as you who aren’t afraid to mention how they believe. Always go after your heart. “There are only two industries that refer to their customers as users.” by Edward Tufte.

  1100. You are so cool! I do not suppose I’ve read through a single thing like this before. So wonderful to discover someone with some unique thoughts on this topic. Really.. many thanks for starting this up. This web site is one thing that’s needed on the web, someone with a little originality!

  1101. You are so cool! I don’t think I’ve truly read through something like that before. So wonderful to find somebody with some original thoughts on this topic. Really.. thanks for starting this up. This website is one thing that is required on the internet, someone with some originality!

  1102. You are so interesting! I don’t believe I have read through anything like this before. So great to discover somebody with a few genuine thoughts on this issue. Really.. many thanks for starting this up. This web site is one thing that is required on the web, someone with a little originality!

  1103. You are so interesting! I don’t think I’ve read through something like that before. So wonderful to discover somebody with a few original thoughts on this subject. Really.. thank you for starting this up. This web site is something that is required on the web, someone with a bit of originality!

  1104. You are so interesting! I don’t think I’ve read through something like that before. So wonderful to discover somebody with a few original thoughts on this subject. Really.. thank you for starting this up. This web site is something that is required on the web, someone with a bit of originality!

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  1107. You are so interesting! I do not suppose I’ve truly read anything like this before. So wonderful to discover another person with some unique thoughts on this topic. Seriously.. thank you for starting this up. This site is one thing that is needed on the internet, someone with a bit of originality!

  1108. You are so cool! I do not suppose I’ve read through a single thing like this before. So wonderful to discover someone with some unique thoughts on this topic. Really.. many thanks for starting this up. This web site is one thing that’s needed on the web, someone with a little originality!

  1109. You are so interesting! I don’t think I’ve read through something like that before. So wonderful to discover somebody with a few original thoughts on this subject. Really.. thank you for starting this up. This web site is something that is required on the web, someone with a bit of originality!

  1110. You could certainly see your enthusiasm within the work you write. The arena hopes for more passionate writers like you who aren’t afraid to mention how they believe. Always follow your heart. “Golf and sex are about the only things you can enjoy without being good at.” by Jimmy Demaret.

  1111. You could definitely see your skills in the paintings you write. The world hopes for even more passionate writers such as you who aren’t afraid to mention how they believe. At all times follow your heart. “In order to preserve your self-respect, it is sometimes necessary to lie and cheat.” by Robert Byrne.

  1112. You are so interesting! I don’t believe I have read through anything like this before. So great to discover somebody with a few genuine thoughts on this issue. Really.. many thanks for starting this up. This web site is one thing that is required on the web, someone with a little originality!

  1113. You are so cool! I don’t believe I’ve truly read through a single thing like this before. So good to find someone with unique thoughts on this topic. Seriously.. thanks for starting this up. This site is one thing that’s needed on the internet, someone with some originality!

  1114. You are so awesome! I don’t suppose I’ve read through a single thing like that before. So nice to find somebody with some original thoughts on this subject matter. Really.. many thanks for starting this up. This website is something that is required on the web, someone with a bit of originality!

  1115. You are so cool! I do not suppose I’ve read through a single thing like this before. So wonderful to discover someone with some unique thoughts on this topic. Really.. many thanks for starting this up. This web site is one thing that’s needed on the web, someone with a little originality!

  1116. You are so awesome! I don’t suppose I’ve read through a single thing like that before. So nice to find somebody with some original thoughts on this subject matter. Really.. many thanks for starting this up. This website is something that is required on the web, someone with a bit of originality!

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  1118. You are so awesome! I don’t think I’ve truly read through anything like this before. So nice to find another person with a few unique thoughts on this issue. Really.. thank you for starting this up. This site is something that is required on the web, someone with a bit of originality!

  1119. You are so interesting! I do not suppose I’ve truly read anything like this before. So wonderful to discover another person with some unique thoughts on this topic. Seriously.. thank you for starting this up. This site is one thing that is needed on the internet, someone with a bit of originality!

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  1121. You are so cool! I don’t think I’ve truly read through something like that before. So wonderful to find somebody with some original thoughts on this topic. Really.. thanks for starting this up. This website is one thing that is required on the internet, someone with some originality!

  1122. You are so cool! I do not suppose I’ve read through a single thing like this before. So wonderful to discover someone with some unique thoughts on this topic. Really.. many thanks for starting this up. This web site is one thing that’s needed on the web, someone with a little originality!

  1123. You are so interesting! I don’t believe I have read through anything like this before. So great to discover somebody with a few genuine thoughts on this issue. Really.. many thanks for starting this up. This web site is one thing that is required on the web, someone with a little originality!

  1124. You could definitely see your expertise within the work you write. The sector hopes for more passionate writers such as you who aren’t afraid to say how they believe. At all times go after your heart. “History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon.” by Napoleon.

  1125. You are so cool! I don’t think I’ve truly read through something like that before. So wonderful to find somebody with some original thoughts on this topic. Really.. thanks for starting this up. This website is one thing that is required on the internet, someone with some originality!

  1126. You are so awesome! I don’t think I’ve truly read through anything like this before. So nice to find another person with a few unique thoughts on this issue. Really.. thank you for starting this up. This site is something that is required on the web, someone with a bit of originality!

  1127. You are so cool! I do not suppose I’ve truly read a single thing like that before. So good to find somebody with a few unique thoughts on this subject. Seriously.. many thanks for starting this up. This website is one thing that is needed on the web, someone with some originality!

  1128. You are so cool! I do not suppose I’ve truly read a single thing like that before. So good to find somebody with a few unique thoughts on this subject. Seriously.. many thanks for starting this up. This website is one thing that is needed on the web, someone with some originality!

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  1173. The very next time I read a blog, I hope that it does not disappoint me as much as this one. After all, I know it was my choice to read through, nonetheless I really thought you would have something helpful to talk about. All I hear is a bunch of moaning about something you can fix if you weren’t too busy seeking attention.

  1174. the easiest thing to be aware of. I say to you, I certainly get annoyed while people consider worries that they just do not know about.

  1175. The very next time I read a blog, Hopefully it won’t disappoint me as much as this particular one. I mean, I know it was my choice to read, but I actually thought you would have something interesting to say. All I hear is a bunch of moaning about something you could fix if you were not too busy seeking attention.

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  1177. There are many fascinating time limits on this page however I don’t determine if I see these people center to heart. There is certainly some validity however I most certainly will take hold opinion until I explore it further. Good article , thanks therefore we want extra! Put into FeedBurner as properly

  1178. The next time I read a blog, Hopefully it doesn’t fail me as much as this one. I mean, I know it was my choice to read, nonetheless I truly thought you would have something helpful to say. All I hear is a bunch of complaining about something you could possibly fix if you were not too busy seeking attention.

  1179. The next time I read a blog, I hope that it won’t disappoint me as much as this particular one. After all, I know it was my choice to read through, but I truly believed you would have something interesting to talk about. All I hear is a bunch of whining about something you could fix if you weren’t too busy looking for attention.

  1180. The next time I read a blog, Hopefully it doesn’t fail me as much as this one. I mean, I know it was my choice to read, nonetheless I truly thought you would have something helpful to say. All I hear is a bunch of complaining about something you could possibly fix if you were not too busy seeking attention.

  1181. The next time I read a blog, Hopefully it won’t fail me as much as this particular one. I mean, I know it was my choice to read through, however I really thought you would have something interesting to say. All I hear is a bunch of crying about something you could possibly fix if you weren’t too busy looking for attention.

  1182. The following time I read a weblog, I hope that it doesnt disappoint me as much as this one. I imply, I do know it was my choice to learn, but I really thought youd have one thing fascinating to say. All I hear is a bunch of whining about something that you could possibly repair if you happen to werent too busy searching for attention.

  1183. The next time I read a blog, I hope that it doesn’t fail me just as much as this one. After all, Yes, it was my choice to read, nonetheless I genuinely believed you would have something interesting to talk about. All I hear is a bunch of moaning about something you could possibly fix if you weren’t too busy looking for attention.

  1184. The very next time I read a blog, I hope that it does not disappoint me as much as this one. After all, I know it was my choice to read through, nonetheless I really thought you would have something helpful to talk about. All I hear is a bunch of moaning about something you can fix if you weren’t too busy seeking attention.

  1185. The very next time I read a blog, Hopefully it won’t disappoint me as much as this particular one. I mean, I know it was my choice to read, but I actually thought you would have something interesting to say. All I hear is a bunch of moaning about something you could fix if you were not too busy seeking attention.

  1186. The very next time I read a blog, Hopefully it does not disappoint me as much as this one. After all, Yes, it was my choice to read through, nonetheless I actually thought you’d have something useful to say. All I hear is a bunch of complaining about something that you could fix if you weren’t too busy searching for attention.

  1187. The very next time I read a blog, I hope that it does not disappoint me as much as this one. After all, I know it was my choice to read through, nonetheless I really thought you would have something helpful to talk about. All I hear is a bunch of moaning about something you can fix if you weren’t too busy seeking attention.

  1188. The next time I read a blog, I hope that it does not fail me as much as this particular one. I mean, I know it was my choice to read through, nonetheless I truly believed you would probably have something interesting to say. All I hear is a bunch of complaining about something you can fix if you were not too busy seeking attention.

  1189. The very next time I read a blog, I hope that it doesn’t fail me just as much as this one. After all, Yes, it was my choice to read through, nonetheless I really believed you would have something interesting to talk about. All I hear is a bunch of moaning about something you can fix if you were not too busy searching for attention.

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  1463. Today, I went to the beachfront with my children. I found a sea shell and gave it to my 4 year old
    daughter and said “You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear.” She put the shell to her ear and screamed.

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  1975. Мейзу Клуб ([url=][/url]) – это информационный ресурс, сфокусированный на многообразии продуктов Meizu. На сайте размещены различные категории, охватывающие смартфоны, наушники, фитнес-браслеты и множество умной техники. Пользователи могут разыскать подробные руководства и советы по настройке устройств Meizu, среди которых обновление системы, повышение производительности, установку сервисов Google Play и различные дополнительные функции. Сайт также обеспечивает помощью в решении проблем, относящихся к устройствам Meizu, и предоставляет поддержку пользователей.
    На Мейзу Клубе вы найдете подробные отчеты о новейших моделях смартфонов Meizu. Эти статьи предоставят вам полное представление технических характеристик и преимуществ каждой модели.

    Сайт также включает форумы пользователей, где вы можете обсудить своим опытом и получить ответы о устройствах Meizu. Это идеальное место для общения с другими пользователями.

    Раздел FAQ на предлагает незаменимым источником информации для нахождения ответов на распространенные вопросы, связанные с продуктами Meizu.

    Регулярно обновляемые новости и сообщения о последних обновлениях от Meizu обеспечат вас последней информацией о инновациях компании и новых продуктах.

    Кроме того, раздел полезных советов на сайте раскроет потенциал ваших устройств Meizu, предлагая полезные инструкции по настройке их работы.
    Не забудьте добавить наш сайт в закладки:

  1976. Здесь можете найти с большим балансом [url=]карты на обнал[/url]. Рекомендую!

  1977. Эта статья [url=][/url] освещает важные аспекты мира животных, их важность в экосистемах и культуре.

    Обсуждается разнообразие животных, их роль в оценке состояния окружающей среды, уникальные способности, а также их место в человеческой культуре. Обращается внимание на проблемах, с которыми сталкиваются животные в результате человеческой деятельности, и подчеркивается важность их защиты.

    Животные выполняют ключевую роль в сохранении баланса в природе. Они не только способствуют биоразнообразие, но и влияют на природные системы, участвуя в опылении растений, распространении семян и сохранении здоровья лесов и многих природных сред. Изучение животных также раскрывает множество тайн эволюции и адаптации к окружающей среде, подчеркивая замечательные способности и поведение, что развивались в течение миллионов лет.

    Не забудьте добавить ссылку на статью в закладки:

  1978. [url=][/url]

    Толпа хронически привлекали ко себя внимание. Это место, где можно выстрадать свою фортуну равным образом взять голыми руками крупную необходимую сумму денег.

  1979. Эта статья [url=][/url] рассматривает интересные аспекты мира животных, их значение в экосистемах и культуре.

    Обсуждается разнообразие животных, их роль в индикации здоровья окружающей среды, особенные способности, а также их место в человеческой культуре. Обращается внимание на угрозах, с которыми сталкиваются животные в результате человеческой деятельности, и подчеркивается значимость их защиты.

    Животные играют ключевую роль в уравновешивании баланса в природе. Они не только вносят вклад в биоразнообразие, но и оказывают воздействие на экосистемы, участвуя в опылении растений, распространении семян и поддержании здоровья лесов и многих природных сред. Изучение животных также демонстрирует множество тайн эволюции и адаптации к окружающей среде, демонстрируя необычные способности и поведение, которые развивались в ходе миллионов лет.

    Не забудьте добавить ссылку на статью в закладки:

  1980. На веб-ресурсе [url=][/url], посвященном философии, вы окунетесь в мир философских фраз великих мыслителей.

    У на сайте читателей ждет разнообразие философских высказываний о философии и разных аспектах жизни.

    Погрузитесь в глубокие высказывания известных личностей и философское прозрение ежедневно. Воплощайте цитаты и афоризмы для самопознания и размышления.

    Перейдите на наш веб-ресурс и погрузитесь в атмосферу мудрых мыслей сейчас и всегда. Исследуйте ценными уроками, которые предложит вам наш портал.

    Мы предлагаем вам сотни мыслей и посланий, которые помогут вам в разных сферах жизни. На сайте есть цитаты о философии, достижении целей, доброте и сострадании.

    Сайт – это место, где рождается вдохновение. Мы публикуем лучшие фразы знаменитых людей, которые вдохновят вас в в осмыслении бытия.

    Присоединяйтесь к нам и оставайтесь в курсе всех актуальных фраз. с удовольствием предоставит вам подарок мудрости в каждом тексте.

  1981. – это эксклюзивный женский портал, предназначенный для самостоятельных женщин, стремящихся быть в тренде с новейшими технологическими достижениями. На сайте [url=][/url] вы найдете подробную информацию о последних трендах в мире высоких технологий, а также полезные советы и рекомендации, как использовать технологии в повседневной жизни.

    Одним из ключевых направлений является раздел “Гаджеты и устройства”. Здесь женщины могут узнать обо всех инновационных изделиях электроники, от модных умных часов до инновационных кухонных гаджетов. Редакция портала регулярно публикует рецензии, тесты и сравнения, чтобы помочь посетительницам выбрать оптимальные технологии, соответствующие их потребностям и стилю жизни.

    Еще одним привлекательным разделом является “Красота и стиль”. Здесь дает советы по использованию технологий для улучшения внешнего вида и самочувствия. Раздел включает в себя рецензии на новейшие косметические тренды, мобильные приложения для ухода за кожей и волосами, а также техники визажа, которые помогут подчеркнуть индивидуальность.

    Сайт также активно участвует в создании сообщества техно-героинь женщин. В разделе “Сообщество” можно обсудить последние тренды, делиться опытом использования гаджетов, а также получать поддержку и советы от единомышленниц. стремится не только предоставлять информацию о технологиях, но и вдохновлять женщин на освоение новых горизонтов в цифровом мире. Творческий подход и актуальная информация делают этот женский портал отличным источником для прогрессивных техно-героинь.

  1982. – это эксклюзивный женский портал, предназначенный для самостоятельных женщин, стремящихся быть в тренде с новейшими технологическими достижениями. На сайте [url=][/url] вы найдете широкую информацию о свежих инновациях в мире высоких технологий, а также полезные советы и рекомендации, как использовать технологии в повседневной жизни.

    Одним из ключевых направлений является раздел “Гаджеты и устройства”. Здесь женщины могут узнать обо всех инновационных изделиях электроники, от элегантных умных часов до инновационных кухонных гаджетов. Редакция портала регулярно публикует рецензии, тесты и сравнения, чтобы помочь посетительницам выбрать лучшие технологии, соответствующие их потребностям и стилю жизни.

    Еще одним привлекательным разделом является “Красота и стиль”. Здесь дает советы по использованию технологий для улучшения внешнего вида и самочувствия. Раздел включает в себя рецензии на инновационные косметические устройства, мобильные приложения для ухода за кожей и волосами, а также техники визажа, которые помогут подчеркнуть индивидуальность.

    Сайт также активно участвует в создании сообщества активных женщин. В разделе “Сообщество” можно обсудить последние тренды, делиться опытом использования гаджетов, а также получать поддержку и советы от единомышленниц. стремится не только предоставлять информацию о технологиях, но и вдохновлять женщин на освоение новых горизонтов в цифровом мире. Свежие идеи и актуальная информация делают этот женский портал незаменимым ресурсом для прогрессивных техно-героинь.

  1983. – это инновационный женский портал, предназначенный для самостоятельных женщин, стремящихся быть в тренде с последними технологическими достижениями. На сайте [url=][/url] вы найдете обширную информацию о последних трендах в мире высоких технологий, а также полезные советы и рекомендации, как использовать технологии в повседневной жизни.

    Одним из ключевых направлений является раздел “Гаджеты и устройства”. Здесь женщины могут узнать обо всех инновационных изделиях электроники, от стильных умных часов до инновационных кухонных гаджетов. Редакция портала регулярно публикует рецензии, тесты и сопоставления, чтобы помочь посетительницам выбрать лучшие технологии, соответствующие их потребностям и стилю жизни.

    Еще одним привлекательным разделом является “Красота и стиль”. Здесь дает советы по использованию технологий для улучшения внешнего вида и самочувствия. Раздел включает в себя рецензии на последние средства по уходу за кожей, мобильные приложения для ухода за кожей и волосами, а также техники визажа, которые помогут подчеркнуть индивидуальность.

    Сайт также активно участвует в создании сообщества техно-героинь женщин. В разделе “Сообщество” можно обсудить последние тренды, делиться опытом использования гаджетов, а также получать поддержку и советы от единомышленниц. стремится не только предоставлять информацию о технологиях, но и вдохновлять женщин на освоение новых горизонтов в цифровом мире. Свежие идеи и актуальная информация делают этот женский портал отличным источником для современных техно-героинь.

  1984. – это стильный женский портал, предназначенный для самостоятельных женщин, стремящихся быть в тренде с новейшими технологическими достижениями. На сайте [url=][/url] вы найдете широкую информацию о последних трендах в мире высоких технологий, а также полезные советы и рекомендации, как использовать технологии в повседневной жизни.

    Одним из ключевых направлений является раздел “Гаджеты и устройства”. Здесь женщины могут узнать обо всех новинках электроники, от модных умных часов до инновационных кухонных гаджетов. Редакция портала регулярно публикует обзоры, тесты и сравнения, чтобы помочь посетительницам выбрать оптимальные технологии, соответствующие их потребностям и стилю жизни.

    Еще одним привлекательным разделом является “Красота и стиль”. Здесь дает советы по использованию технологий для улучшения внешнего вида и самочувствия. Раздел включает в себя рецензии на последние средства по уходу за кожей, мобильные приложения для ухода за кожей и волосами, а также техники визажа, которые помогут подчеркнуть индивидуальность.

    Сайт также активно участвует в создании сообщества техно-героинь женщин. В разделе “Сообщество” можно обсудить новые идеи, делиться опытом использования гаджетов, а также получать поддержку и советы от единомышленниц. стремится не только предоставлять информацию о технологиях, но и вдохновлять женщин на освоение новых горизонтов в цифровом мире. Творческий подход и актуальная информация делают этот женский портал незаменимым ресурсом для прогрессивных техно-героинь.

  1985. – это инновационный женский портал, предназначенный для современных и активных женщин, стремящихся быть в тренде с новейшими технологическими достижениями. На сайте [url=][/url] вы найдете подробную информацию о последних трендах в мире высоких технологий, а также полезные советы и рекомендации, как использовать технологии в повседневной жизни.

    Одним из ключевых направлений является раздел “Гаджеты и устройства”. Здесь женщины могут узнать обо всех новинках электроники, от модных умных часов до инновационных кухонных гаджетов. Редакция портала регулярно публикует рецензии, тесты и сопоставления, чтобы помочь посетительницам выбрать лучшие технологии, соответствующие их потребностям и стилю жизни.

    Еще одним привлекательным разделом является “Красота и стиль”. Здесь дает советы по использованию технологий для улучшения внешнего вида и самочувствия. Раздел включает в себя рецензии на инновационные косметические устройства, мобильные приложения для ухода за кожей и волосами, а также техники визажа, которые помогут подчеркнуть индивидуальность.

    Сайт также активно участвует в создании сообщества техно-героинь женщин. В разделе “Сообщество” можно обсудить новые идеи, делиться опытом использования гаджетов, а также получать поддержку и советы от единомышленниц. стремится не только предоставлять информацию о технологиях, но и вдохновлять женщин на освоение новых горизонтов в цифровом мире. Творческий подход и актуальная информация делают этот женский портал отличным источником для современных техно-героинь.

  1986. – это передовой женский портал, предназначенный для современных и активных женщин, стремящихся быть в тренде с новейшими технологическими достижениями. На сайте [url=][/url] вы найдете обширную информацию о последних трендах в мире высоких технологий, а также полезные советы и рекомендации, как использовать технологии в повседневной жизни.

    Одним из ключевых направлений является раздел “Гаджеты и устройства”. Здесь женщины могут узнать обо всех инновационных изделиях электроники, от элегантных умных часов до инновационных кухонных гаджетов. Редакция портала регулярно публикует рецензии, тесты и сравнения, чтобы помочь посетительницам выбрать наилучшие технологии, соответствующие их потребностям и стилю жизни.

    Еще одним привлекательным разделом является “Красота и стиль”. Здесь дает советы по использованию технологий для улучшения внешнего вида и самочувствия. Раздел включает в себя рецензии на инновационные косметические устройства, мобильные приложения для ухода за кожей и волосами, а также техники визажа, которые помогут подчеркнуть индивидуальность.

    Сайт также активно участвует в создании сообщества технологически осведомленных женщин. В разделе “Сообщество” можно обсудить последние тренды, делиться опытом использования гаджетов, а также получать поддержку и советы от единомышленниц. стремится не только предоставлять информацию о технологиях, но и вдохновлять женщин на освоение новых горизонтов в цифровом мире. Творческий подход и актуальная информация делают этот женский портал незаменимым ресурсом для прогрессивных техно-героинь.

  1987. На нашем сайте [url=][/url] вы откроете для себя вдохновляющую коллекцию цитат, которые имеют потенциал оказать глубокое влияние на вашу повседневность. Цитаты от знаменитых писателей собраны здесь, чтобы принести вам новые идеи для личностного роста.

    Наш блог предназначен не только для исследователей мудрости, но и для всех, кто ищет новые идеи в словах. Здесь вы найдете цитаты на всевозможные темы: от успеха и саморазвития до вдохновляющих идей. Каждая цитата – это мощное послание, которое имеет силу повлиять на ваш жизненный путь.

    Мы аккуратно выбираем цитаты, чтобы они были актуальными. Наши посты позволяют вам погрузиться в мир красоты слов, расширяя новые перспективы. Мы убеждены, что тщательно отобранные слова служат источником новых идей.

    Подписывайтесь нашего блога и находите для себя новые цитаты каждый день. Вне зависимости от того, нуждаетесь ли вы радость или просто хотите насладиться красотой слов, наш блог представит вам всё то, что вам требуется. Дайте этим цитатам присутствовать в вашего постоянного вдохновения.

  1988. На нашем сайте [url=][/url] вы найдете вдохновляющую коллекцию цитат, которые способны оказать глубокое влияние на вашу жизнь. Цитаты от великих мыслителей собраны здесь, чтобы принести вам новые идеи для развития.

    Наш блог разработан не только для исследователей мудрости, но и для всех, кто стремится обрести новые идеи в словах. Здесь вы найдете цитаты на самые разные темы: от успеха и саморазвития до глубоких мыслей. Каждая цитата – это глубокое послание, которое имеет силу повлиять на ваш взгляд на жизнь.

    Мы аккуратно выбираем цитаты, чтобы они были релевантными. Наши посты позволяют вам окунуться в мир красоты слов, открывая новые возможности. Мы полагаем, что умело выбранные слова служат источником вдохновения.

    Станьте читателем нашего блога и находите для себя новые цитаты регулярно. Вне зависимости от того, нуждаетесь ли вы утешение или просто хотите насладиться красотой слов, наш блог представит вам именно то, что вам требуется. Дайте этим цитатам присутствовать в вашего ежедневного вдохновения.

  1989. На нашем сайте [url=][/url] вы сможете обнаружить мотивирующую коллекцию цитат, которые способны оказать глубокое влияние на вашу мышление. Цитаты от знаменитых писателей собраны здесь, чтобы принести вам новые идеи для развития.

    Наш блог предназначен не только для любителей литературы и философии, но и для всех, кто ищет мудрость и вдохновение в словах. Здесь вы найдете цитаты на самые разные темы: от успеха и саморазвития до глубоких мыслей. Каждая цитата – это краткое послание, которое может изменить ваш жизненный путь.

    Мы тщательно отбираем цитаты, чтобы они были актуальными. Наши публикации позволяют вам вникнуть в мир красоты слов, расширяя новые горизонты мышления. Мы полагаем, что тщательно отобранные слова могут быть источником мотивации.

    Подписывайтесь нашего блога и находите для себя новые цитаты каждый день. Безотносительно того, ищете ли вы радость или желаете погрузиться в красотой слов, наш блог подарит вам именно то, что вам необходимо. Дайте этим цитатам войти в вашего ежедневного вдохновения.

  1990. На онлайн-сайте [url=][/url], посвященном сфере женских интересов, вы сможете обнаружить огромному количеству захватывающих статей. Мы предлагаем уникальные рекомендации в разнообразных областях, таких как стиль и мода и многие другие аспекты.

    Получите все секреты женственной красоты и здоровья, будьте в курсе за актуальными трендами в мире моды и стиля. Мы публикуем статьи о психологии и межличностных отношениях, семейном уюте, карьере, собственном росте и развитии. Вы также подберете практические советы по приготовлению блюд, кулинарные рецепты, секреты воспитания детей и множество других полезных материалов.

    Наши материалы помогут вам создать атмосферное пространство, ознакомиться с загородном хозяйстве, позаботиться о своем внешнем виде, сохранять свой физическим состоянием и фитнесом. Мы также рассказываем о здоровом питании, управлении финансами и других сферах.

    Подключайтесь к нашей аудитории среди женщин на – и смотрите много интересного каждый день. Не пропустите шанс подписаться на обновления, чтобы всегда быть в курсе всех актуальных событий. Перейдите на наш веб-ресурс и получите доступ к информации для женщин во всей его красе!

    Не забудьте добавить сайт в закладки!

  1991. На веб-ресурсе [url=][/url], посвященном женской тематике, вы найдете большому числу полезных материалов. Мы предлагаем новейшие советы в разнообразных сферах, таких как стиль и мода и многие другие аспекты.

    Ознакомьтесь всю тайны женственной красоты и физического и душевного благополучия, следите за самыми свежими новостями в сфере моды и стиля. Мы публикуем материалы о психологических аспектах и межличностных взаимоотношениях, вопросах семейной жизни, компании и карьере, развитии личности. Вы также подберете практические советы по приготовлению блюд, рецепты блюд, секреты воспитания детей и множество других полезных материалов.

    Советы на AmurPlanet помогут создать комфортное жилье, ознакомиться с загородном хозяйстве, научиться заботиться о своем внешнем виде, сохранять свой здоровьем и активным образом жизни. Мы также рассказываем о здоровом питании, эффективном финансовом планировании и других сферах.

    Присоединьтесь к обществу наших читателей для женщин на – и читайте полезную информацию каждый день вашей жизни. Не упустите подписаться на наши новости, чтобы всегда знать всех новостей. Посетите наш сайт и откройте для себя миру женской тематики во полном объеме!

    Не забудьте добавить сайт в закладки!

  1992. Программа для комплексного обслуживания [url=]Автоматизация интернет-магазинов[/url]. Рекомендую!

  1993. Только здесь вы найдете актуальный промокод на БК [url=]1Вин[/url]. Рекомендую!

  1994. На веб-ресурсе [url=][/url], посвященном сфере женских интересов, вы найдете огромному количеству интересных публикаций. Мы постоянно обновляем уникальные советы в разнообразных областях, таких как здоровье и многие другие аспекты.

    Получите всю тайны женской красоты и физического и душевного благополучия, будьте в курсе за последними новостями в сфере стиля и моды. Мы предлагаем статьи о психологических аспектах и межличностных взаимоотношениях, семейных вопросах, компании и карьере, развитии личности. Вы также найдете рекомендации по кулинарии, кулинарные рецепты, советы по воспитанию и множество другой информации.

    Материалы нашего сайта помогут сформировать уютный дом, ознакомиться с садоводческих хитростях и секретах, позаботиться о своем внешнем виде, сохранять свой здоровьем и фитнесом. Мы также делимся информацией о правильном питании, управлении финансами и других сферах.

    Присоединяйтесь к нашему сообществу среди женщин на – и читайте полезную информацию каждый день недели. Не упустите подписаться на наши новости, чтобы быть в курсе всех новостей. Посетите наш сайт и познакомьтесь с миру женской тематики во полном объеме!

    Не забудьте добавить сайт в закладки!

  1995. На онлайн-сайте [url=][/url], посвященном сфере женских интересов, вы найдете большому числу интересных публикаций. Мы готовы предоставить полезные рекомендации в разнообразных сферах, таких как здоровье и множество других областей.

    Узнайте все тайны женственной привлекательности и здоровья, оставайтесь в курсе за самыми свежими новостями в сфере моды и стиля. Мы публикуем статьи о психологии и отношениях, вопросах семейной жизни, компании и карьере, собственном росте и развитии. Вы также обнаружите советы по готовке, рецепты блюд, советы по воспитанию и множество другой информации.

    Наши материалы помогут сформировать уютный дом, получить информацию о загородном хозяйстве, научиться заботиться о волосах и коже, сохранять свой здоровьем и фитнесом. Мы также рассказываем о правильном питании, финансовой грамотности и многом другом.

    Присоединьтесь к нашему сообществу для женщин на – и узнавайте много интересного каждый день недели. Не упустите возможность получить актуальные новости, чтобы всегда знать всех актуальных событий. Перейдите на наш веб-ресурс и откройте для себя информации для женщин во всей его красе!

    Не забудьте добавить сайт в закладки!

  1996. Ponieważ technologia rozwija się coraz szybciej, a telefony komórkowe są wymieniane coraz częściej, w jaki sposób tani, szybki telefon z Androidem może stać się zdalnie dostępnym aparatem?

  1997. На интернет-портале [url=][/url] вы окунетесь в мир бескрайнего юмора и смеха. Анекдоты – это не просто сжатые истории, а источник веселья, какой способен поднять настроение в какой угодно ситуации.

    Юмор бывают разнообразные: комические, приятные, саркастические и даже странные. Они могут рассказывать о ежедневных ситуациях, персонажах известных мультфильмов или политиков, но всегда целью остается вызвать улыбку у аудитории.

    На собрана гигантская совокупность анекдотов на самые различные темы. Вы найдете здесь шутки о питомцах, отношениях в семье, труде, государственной политике и многие иные. Множество категорий и категорий помогут вам быстро найти шутку по вашему вкусу.

    Безотносительно вашего разpoloжения, шутки с помогут вам отдохнуть и позабыть о повседневных заботах. Этот сайт станет вашим надежным напарником в радости и беззаботного веселья.


    Не забудьте добавить наш сайт в закладки!

  1998. На веб-сайте [url=][/url] вы окунетесь в мир бескрайнего юмора и смеха. Шутки – это не просто краткие истории, а фонтан веселья, какой способен поднять настроение в какой угодно ситуации.

    Шутки бывают разнообразные: смешные, добрые, остросоциальные и даже нелепые. Они могут рассказывать о обыденных ситуациях, лицах известных мультфильмов или государственных деятелей, но всегда целью остается вызвать улыбку у читателя.

    На собрана огромная совокупность анекдотов на самые различные тематики. Вы найдете здесь анекдоты о животных, семейных отношениях, рабочей деятельности, политической сфере и многие иные. Множество секций и рубрик помогут вам быстро найти юмор по вашему предпочтению.

    Безотносительно вашего психологического состояния, анекдоты с помогут вам отдохнуть и позабыть о суете буднего дня. Этот портал станет вашим верным спутником в положительных эмоций и радостных моментов.


    Не забудьте добавить наш сайт в закладки!

  1999. На онлайн-сайте [url=][/url], посвященном мудрости, вы окунетесь в мир мудрых высказываний великих философских мыслителей.

    У на сайте вас ждет множество мыслей и фраз о жизни и многих других темах.

    Ознакомьтесь в философские высказывания мыслителей и проникнитесь мудростью всегда и везде. Воплощайте фразы и послания для личностного роста и размышления.

    Присоединяйтесь к нашему сообществу и погрузитесь в атмосферу мудрых мыслей сейчас. Познакомьтесь с бесценными ценностями, которые подарит вам наш портал.

    Мы предлагаем вам множество цитат и афоризмов, которые вдохновят вас в разных аспектах бытия. У нас есть цитаты о философии, личностном росте, счастье и мудрости.

    Сайт – это источник вдохновения. Мы предоставляем лучшие цитаты известных философов, которые вдохновят вас в в осмыслении бытия.

    Присоединяйтесь к нам и будьте в курсе всех актуальных фраз. Наш портал с радостью предоставит вам порцию философии ежедневно.

  2000. На этом сайте [url=][/url] вы сможете бесплатно и без регистрации аккаунта протестировать опросы на психологические темы. Следите за свежими тестами и исследованиями и не забудьте подписаться на обновления для быстрого доступа к актуальным тестовым исследованиям. Узнайте первыми глубокие аспекты вашего внутреннего мира. Приготовьтесь к удивительным фактам с последними исследованиями. Исследуйте новые грани своего ума с тестами на самопознание. Разгадайте секреты своей психики, проводя каждый тест на нашем сайте. Раскройте свой разум с каждой процедурой. Ощутите всю гамму эмоций в процессе тестирования каждого исследования. Узнавайте свои личностные характеристики с путем тестов на самопознание. Откройте для себя новые стороны своей личности. Совершенствуйтесь с каждым тестом и достигайте новых высот. Прочувствуйте каждый момент своего самопознания. Погрузитесь в свой внутренний мир с психотестами. Готовьтесь к самопознанию. Открывайте для себя новые грани своего “Я”. Развивайте свой ум.
    Самые популярные темы:
    [url=]Тесты на развлекательные темы[/url]
    [url=]Тесты на личность и темперамент[/url]
    [url=]Тесты на любовь и семью[/url]
    [url=]Тесты на здоровье[/url]
    [url=]Тесты на психологические отклонения[/url]
    [url=]Тесты на образование[/url]
    [url=]Тесты для женщин[/url]
    [url=]Тесты для мужчин[/url]

    Испытания психики неотъемлемой частью нашего индивидуального развития. Они помогают открывать новые грани своего “Я”. Проходя тесты, мы взираем в дебри своей психики, позволяя ощущать моменты внутренней ясности.

    Исследование личности – это не просто процедура анализа индивидуальных черт личности, но и система самопознания. Каждый пункт исследования – это как проводник, направляющий наши внутренние тенденции. В процессе прохождения теста мы сталкиваемся с внутренними дилеммами, которые делают нас уникальными и несравненными.

    Исследования раскрывают не только наши сильные стороны, но и уязвимости. Они становятся своеобразным маяком в океане самосознания. Прошед тест, мы приближаемся к своему истинному “Я” и открываем перед собой новые горизонты возможностей.

    Психологические эксперименты призваны разнообразить наше восприятие мира и предоставить доступ к скрытым граням нашей душевной сущности. В процессе тестирования мы разгадываем свои психологические реакции на различные сценарии, формируем внутренний ландшафт.

    Таким образом, тестирование разума становится маяком на пути к самопониманию. Позвольте себе погрузиться во внутренний мир с психологическими тестами и осмысливать загадки своей души. Станьте свидетелями собственного роста и наблюдателями за собственными реакциями. Вас ждут захватывающие откровения на страницах психотестов. Открывайте для себя свою личность вместе с нами.

  2001. На этом сайте [url=][/url] вы сможете совершенно бесплатно и без необходимости регистрации протестировать опросы на психологические темы. Следите за новыми тестами и исследованиями и не забудьте подписаться на обновления для мгновенного доступа к новым психологическим открытиям. Узнайте первыми глубокие аспекты вашего внутреннего мира. Встречайте с удивлением с последними исследованиями. Исследуйте глубины своего внутреннего мира с психологическими тестами. Познавайте тайны своей психики, проводя каждый тест на нашем ресурсе. Раскройте свой разум с каждой процедурой. Ощутите всю мощь вашей эмоциональной стороны в процессе прохождения каждого теста. Узнавайте свои индивидуальные черты с помощью психотестов. Познайте глубинные слои своей индивидуальности. Совершенствуйтесь с каждым тестом и достигайте новых высот. Зафиксируйте мгновение своего личностного роста. Погрузитесь в свой внутренний мир с исследованиями личности. Приготовьтесь к новым знаниям. Открывайте для себя новые грани своего “Я”. Достигайте гармонии с самим собой.
    Самые популярные темы:
    [url=]Тесты на развлекательные темы[/url]
    [url=]Тесты на личность и темперамент[/url]
    [url=]Тесты на любовь и семью[/url]
    [url=]Тесты на здоровье[/url]
    [url=]Тесты на психологические отклонения[/url]
    [url=]Тесты на образование[/url]
    [url=]Тесты для женщин[/url]
    [url=]Тесты для мужчин[/url]

    Тестирования разума становятся неотъемлемой составной частью нашего личностного роста. Они помогают открывать новые грани своего “Я”. Проходя тесты, мы взираем в дебри своей психики, позволяя ощущать моменты внутренней ясности.

    Психологическое тестирование – это не просто средство раскрывания индивидуальных черт личности, но и система самопознания. Каждый аспект теста – это как фонарь, освещающий наши внутренние тайны. В процессе решения задач мы сталкиваемся с личностными нюансами, которые делают нас уникальными и несравненными.

    Тесты раскрывают не только наши внутренние крепости, но и слабости. Они становятся своеобразным инструментом роста. Пройдя тест, мы приближаемся к пониманию себя и разгадываем перед собой новые горизонты возможностей.

    Тестирование на самопонимание призваны разнообразить наше восприятие мира и приоткрыть дверь к глубинам нашей внутренней жизни. В процессе взаимодействия с тестами мы разгадываем свои психологические реакции на различные сценарии, формируем внутренний ландшафт.

    Таким образом, исследование личности становится направляющим светильником в психической тьме. Позвольте себе ещё глубже поникнуть с психологическими тестами и разгадать тайны своего “Я”. Станьте свидетелями психологической метаморфозы и археологами своих внутренних миров. Вас ждут захватывающие откровения на страницах психотестов. Открывайте для себя свою личность вместе с нами.

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